Ads overview: Requirements and performance analysis
Click-to-WhatsApp ads connect your audience directly to your business, allowing users to be directed to a conversation on WhatsApp with just one click. This functionality enables immediate initiation of commercial interactions and facilitates contact with potential customers.
By using click-to-Whats
Link a Meta account to create Ads
To run ads with a click to WhatsApp, it is necessary to connect your Facebook Page to WhatsApp Business.
If you receive the error message when boosting a post in Zenvia Customer Cloud: "It was not possible to create the ad. Access your Meta Business Manager and check if there is a linked WhatsApp ac
Daily budget: How it works and what to do about value fluctuations
The daily budget is the amount you set to spend on ads throughout a day. It serves as a guideline for how much you are willing to invest in your campaigns, allowing you to control your spending while seeking effective results.
Understand the Daily Budget and Variations
When setting a daily budget, y
Edit audience settings
A custom audience is an advertising targeting tool that allows you to reach people who have already interacted with your brand on Meta's platforms. This segmentation can increase the effectiveness of your ads.
Minimum Audience Size
For your ads to be displayed, the minimum audience size must reach 1
Boost post
Boosting posts allows you to increase the reach of your posts and attract more interactions.
By turning a post into an ad with a click to WhatsApp, you can direct communication to a specific audience by choosing characteristics such as location and interests. This way, you facilitate direct contact
Introduction to the Meta Ads Manager: Concepts and features
Understand the key concepts of the Ads Manager structure and how they work to maximize the performance of your campaigns.
In this article, we will cover:
Campaign Structure
Meta's Ads Manager organizes campaigns into three main levels: Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad. Each of these levels plays a role in