Category: 7.5.2 Analysis and data

Results found: 3

[Enterprise] Indicators: How to use and configure dashboards and filters

Use the  Indicators to monitor ticket performance, including metrics such as open, resolved, canceled, and reopened tickets. In this article, see: What are IndicatorsHow to access the IndicatorsHow to configure dashboards and filtersUsing the IndicatorsAnalyzing the Indicators⚓︎ What are IndicatorsT

[Enterprise] Reports: How to obtain information about the service structure

In this article, learn how to access, configure, and export reports to optimize data analysis and obtain detailed information about your service structure in tickets, customer experience, contracts, and values, as well as auditing and control features on the platform. How Reports WorkBefore starting

[Enterprise] How to create and export custom ticket reports

The Custom Reports feature allows the management and export of detailed ticket reports, enabling the creation, editing, and deletion of reports according to the needs of support journey analysis. This article explains how to access, use, and customize these reports. Accessing ReportsConditions for A