Category: 02. Contacts

Results found: 13

13. Company and department database in Zenvia Customer Cloud

Link contacts to companies and departments, and integrate individual information into an organizational structure. With the linking of contacts to companies and departments, it is possible to: Support service: Create queues and specific workflows by company, ensuring support is more aligned with or

12. Best practices for validating contacts in Zenvia Customer Cloud

Zenvia Customer Cloud offers tools to ensure your messages are sent correctly and that your contact base is always up to date. Below are some recommended practices: Contact Validator: Go to Contacts > Invalid Contacts to use the contact validator and correct possible errors in the registered phone

10. Request contact export in Zenvia Customer Cloud

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, you can request an export of contacts to facilitate data analysis and tracking. To get started, go to Contacts > Contact Base > My Contact Exports. Export to CSV File ⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with Operator or Admin profiles and for all plans.

09. How to create and assign labels to contacts in Zenvia Customer Cloud

With labels, it is possible to group and categorize the contacts in your database according to your organization's needs.  For example, you can segment customers based on their relationship with the company, such as potential leads, business partners, and/or suppliers. These labels allow you to filt

02. Contact profile in Zenvia Customer Cloud

Your communications achieve better results when you know your audience better. In Zenvia Customer Cloud, you can consult all the information and events related to each customer directly in the contact's profile. ⚠️ Attention: Users with the Agent profile can only view contact data. Only users with t

06. Contact Segmentation Rules in Zenvia Customer Cloud

Segmentation allows you to create filters to group contacts based on specific criteria. Segmentation rules apply these filters and return only the contacts that meet the criteria defined in the rule. This way, you can focus on communication and campaigns targeted at specific groups of customers. To

05. Importing contacts from a file to Zenvia Customer Cloud

There are two distinct ways to add contacts in Zenvia Customer Cloud: manually or by importing a file. This article teaches you how to import contacts into lists by sending a file. This way, you can send your entire contact base in a simple and fast way. ⚠️ Attention: This feature is only available

07. Contact List in Zenvia Customer Cloud

The main function of a Contact List is to group specific contacts, aiming to use them as a target audience when sending a message. You can upload your entire contact database into a master list and then start separating them using smaller and more focused lists.  For example, assuming your campaign

08. Contacts Base API in Zenvia Customer Cloud

Zenvia Customer Cloud also enables the use of the Contacts Base through its API. In this document, we will see the basic concept and show the functionalities provided by the Zenvia Customer Cloud Contacts Base API. What is an API and how to use it The acronym API stands for Application Programming I

03. Adding contacts manually in Zenvia Customer Cloud

There are two different ways to add contacts in the Contacts module: manually or through importing a contact list. This article teaches you how to insert contacts into lists manually. ⚠️ Attention: This functionality is only available to users with the Administrator profile. To use this feature, you