Category: 03. CRM

Results found: 4

Salesforce in Zenvia Conversion

You can receive and manage leads from Salesforce in Zenvia Conversion   First, to connect Salesforce to Zenvia Conversion, the client will need access to the API.   Go to Integrations > Salesforce and verify your domain. This domain or link is the address for your Salesforce account. Once it has b

Zoho in Zenvia Conversion

How to receive and manage leads from Zoho using Zenvia Conversion. Activate the Zoho integrate if you want:   A lead to be created in Zoho when one is created in Zenvia Conversion. A lead to be create in Zenvia Conversion when one is created in Zoho. A client to be changed from "lead" to "c

Unbounce App in Zenvia Conversion

Learn how to integrate Zenvia Conversion with this landing page manager   With this application you can extract and import leads from Unbounce to Zenvia Conversion, as well as assign the distribution rule you want to this channel and choose the additional configuration that best fits your needs.

RD Station in Zenvia Conversion

How to activate integration with this marketplace. You can manage the leads that come in via your RD Station account using Zenvia Conversion. Here's how that works.   1 - Go to Apps > RD Station   2 - Click "Start Session"   3 - You will be redirected to the RD Station website, where you can se