Category: 08. FAQ

Results found: 7

Area and country calling codes review in message broadcast

Resolve your doubts about the use of international and regional phone prefix codes to ensure your contacts' accuracy in message broadcasts, and learn how to avoid errors and additional charges in Zenvia Customer Cloud's broadcasts. Why should I review the international and regional phone prefix code

Questions about plans and contracts

Get answers to your questions about software plans and channels, additional costs, invoices, and cancellations from Zenvia Customer Cloud. What channels are available in the plans? There are seven channels available in a single package, each with its respective unit prices. You have the flexibility

Message sending errors on Zenvia Customer Cloud

Message sending errors occur when messages, for some reason, do not reach the recipients. These cases are indicated as Sending errors or Not Delivered in the send reports. To understand the reasons for these errors, access a specific dispatch in Analytics > Broadcasts and: Download a file by clicki

WhatsApp rules and definitions

Below, you'll find answers to some frequently asked questions related to WhatsApp, including account activation, message templates, session initiation, and number classification. Account Activation How do I activate (enable) my WhatsApp Business number? You need to gather all the necessary data to u

Send media messages with WhatsApp

To send WhatsApp messages that include media, it's straightforward, just follow these steps: Have a message template pre-approved by Meta within Zenvia Customer Cloud. Provide a media link during the setup of the message. ⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator and 

Creating CSV files for import

A CSV file (Comma-Separated-Values) is a type of file that you can create or edit in Excel, Google Sheets, OpenOffice Calc, among others. It is used by Zenvia Customer Cloud to configure personalized messages and load your contact database. Instead of storing information in columns, CSV files store

Rules for sending SMS messages

The first step to send an SMS message in Zenvia Customer Cloud is to write the message. The standard text length for an SMS is 160 characters; however, this quantity can be larger through concatenated messages, meaning the delivery of several messages together in a single SMS to the recipient. The m