Category: 01. Tickets configurations

Results found: 8

08. Tags Configuration

Tags function as markers to classify tickets. Configure them to identify specific situations in support services, such as an email sent or issues in a version. ⚠️ Attention: Functionality available only for Operator and Admin profiles. How It Works To use this functionality, go to Support Service >

07. Justifications Settings

A justifications is a classification used alongside the ticket status to explain why the ticket is in that status. Configure it when you need to provide explanations in support services.  Normally, the justification is associated with the On Hold status, which requires detailing the reason why the t

06. Status Settings

Status indicate the current situation of tickets in Zenvia Customer Cloud. Configure them to monitor the progress of support service. You can create custom statuses to facilitate organization or use the default options: Pending, Cancelled, In Progress, Closed, New, and Resolved. ⚠️ Attention: Featur

05. Categories Settings

Categories identify the type of request made in Zenvia Customer Cloud tickets. Configure them to organize support service. Create new categories or use the default options: Question, Problem, Service Request, and Suggestion. For example, a customer submits a suggestion for the Bank, proposing an adv

04. Priorities Settings

In Priorities, configure the urgency levels to classify internal support service tickets. This way, your agents can identify the criticality of each ticket.  Priorities are linked to ticket categories and can be adjusted according to your business needs. Create new priorities or use the default opti

03. Service Settings

In Services, you can configure the names of the services provided by your company to classify support service tickets. Create a hierarchy between services to organize information clearly in Zenvia Customer Cloud. For example, your company is a real estate agent and decides to offer a new type of pro

02. SLA Contracts Configuration

SLA Contracts (Service Level Agreement) is a feature that manages response and resolution times for tickets. With this feature, it is possible to have more control over the service level agreements related to the ticket completion time to manage the support operation. It also complies with commercia

01. Trigger Settings

Triggers are a feature that automatically executes actions when specific conditions are met in a ticket. These conditions can be triggered by user interactions or temporal factors, such as deadline expirations. Triggers are essential for automating routines and improving the quality of your support