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Requirements to request verification (the green badge) of your line in WhatsApp Business
3 min
Created by KM on 2/7/2023 6:07 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 4/3/2024 9:16 AM

The green badge on WhatsApp is a validation of your company's authenticity in the eyes of your customers. Its primary benefit is to provide increased security and trust in your interactions. 

To obtain this verification badge, it's essential to meet specific requirements. Learn about these requirements and how to request the green badge for your WhatsApp line in this article.

⚠️ Attention: You must use the same WhatsApp line registered in Zenvia Conversion.

Types of WhatsApp Business Accounts

WhatsApp classifies business accounts into two types:

Business Account: By default, all accounts using the WhatsApp Business Platform or the WhatsApp Business app are considered business accounts.

Official Business Account: Official business accounts feature a green badge badge on their profile and conversation header. To qualify as official, various factors, such as brand recognition and authenticity, are taken into account.

⚠️ Attention: Official Business Accounts are assigned only to certain companies by WhatsApp and cannot be requested or obtained through payment.

How to Request WhatsApp Line Verification

Initially, lines integrated into Zenvia Conversion are considered Business Accounts. To transform them into Official Business Accounts, you must request an analysis from WhatsApp. To obtain the green badge, it's crucial to meet the following requirements:

  • Comply with WhatsApp's Business Policy and WhatsApp Business Policy.
  • Have notoriety, meaning being a widely recognized and searched brand or entity.
  • Complete WhatsApp's company verification process.
  • Have an approved display name.
  • Activate two-factor authentication (2FA) for the phone number you want to verify.

After the analysis, you'll receive a notification informing you whether your account has been approved or not. The final decision on verification rests with Facebook. The mentioned criteria are just the starting point for the request.

To validate your WhatsApp Business account in Zenvia Conversion, you need to send a screenshot to our Support Team showing your verified Facebook Business account and the Facebook Business Manager identification number.

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