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User's role and Group Organization in Zenvia Conversion
4 min
Created by KM on 2/15/2023 11:40 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/1/2023 10:05 AM

Understand the functions of each user profile within Zenvia Conversion and how the hierarchy of user groups works.

Zenvia Conversion allows the creation of groups and subgroups to organize your company's structure, enabling the creation of a hierarchical tree of groups and users on the platform.

There are three types of access profiles a user can have:

  • Consultant (Agent);
  • User Administrator (Owner);
  • Dashboard Administrator (Admin).
Every user registered in Zenvia Conversion belongs to a specific group and hierarchy, and their function determines what they can do and which contacts they are allowed to access in their profile.

Hierarchy of Groups and Profile Functions for Each User
Permissions are additive, so if a person has both Consultant and User Administrator profiles, they will have access to the functionalities of both profiles. By having access to all three profiles, the user will have all available functions and the ability to define the type of access for each user.

However, individually, each profile has its own function, as follows:

Consultant (Agent):
The Agent, or Consultant, has access only to the "Atendimentos" (Service) tab and can only view conversations assigned to themselves. This means they have permissions to send and respond to messages, but if someone with an Administrator profile activates the Shared Inbox, they can see conversations of their colleagues.

Consultants can choose their service cases if an Administrator profile enables manual contact assignments. In this case, the list of Unassigned Contacts becomes available in the Inbox for Consultants.

⚠️ Attention: The Agent profile cannot edit or delete contacts.

Dashboard Administrator (Admin):
The Admin, or Dashboard Administrator, can view the control panels (dashboards) and the Agent panel. Additionally, they can perform certain interactions such as creating and viewing groups, deleting contacts, and editing user settings for Consultants, thereby granting them access to view the platform.

Despite having the ability to perform some configurations, the Admin profile is still limited compared to the User Administrator (Owner) since it does not have access to the functionalities: Groups & Users, Account Status, and Billing Profile.

User Administrator (Owner):
The Owner, or User Administrator, has access to perform all configurations and functionalities on the platform.

Their interactions can include creating, editing, deleting, and viewing the groups and users existing in each section of the product. They can also delete contacts and users, edit settings, and delete accounts.

They can create and edit Groups and Consultants, as well as have access to financial information such as payment and billing, etc.

Chart of Functions and Permissions

How to Request the Creation of New User Groups
The creation of new user groups is requested from our Support, Implementation, and Activation Teams. To have more than one user group, it is necessary to be on the PRO Plan.

Currently, it is not possible to customize user profiles. It is not possible to grant additional permissions, limit access, or guarantee access to certain functionalities within the platform that do not correspond to the type of user profile.