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Report: Conversational Channels
3 min
Created by KM on 2/22/2023 10:02 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/28/2023 4:32 PM
Learn how to read and extract relevant information from this report

In the "Reports" section, you'll find various graphs showing usage for WhatsApp, which will help you to monitor your conversations. All of them can be filtered by day and group and some can also be filtered by origin or channel, as is the case with Conversational Channels:

Important: this report takes the date filter according to the period of time for which a WhatsApp-approved template was sent or a message to open a session was received.


Performance by channel

This table shows results for each channel integrated with Zenvia Conversion. For each channel, you can see the number of sessions initiated by the client and by the agent, as well as the total number of messages sent and received. You can also see the cost of the message by billing period:

Table Columns

  • Channel: You can see information about your team’s WhatsApp use.

  • By business: Sessions started by your team via template message.

  • By contact: Sessions started by direct messages from your clients.

  • Messages sent: Total messages sent during the chosen time period.

  • Messages received: Total messages received in the chosen time period.

  • WhatsApp Cost (USD): Line usage charges incurred in the chosen time period.


Sessions over time: Started by business vs. Started by contact


In this graph you can see statistics organized by who began the sessions, be it your business or your client:

Since WhatsApp charges a larger amount for initial messages sent by businesses than for those sent by clients, it's important to monitor this graph to evaluate actions that can increase initial incoming messages.



Messages over time: sent vs. received

This graph shows the data on messages sent and received on each channel:


A number of sent messages that is much higher than the number of messages received can indicate that clients consider your messages spam. You can review this article if you have doubts on how to create the templates.

Note: In all sessions it is possible to download information by applying the filters you want using the indicated button: