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What are quick responses and how to create them
2 min
Created by KM on 3/10/2023 2:41 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/6/2023 3:29 PM

Quick Replies are message templates designed to be sent in specific situations during customer service to expedite communication with your contacts.

For example, if a product is out of stock or if the company receives a message outside of business hours, a Quick Reply will be sent to the contact.

Quick Reply messages are only sent when the customer service session is open or when it is not the first interaction with a contact.

💡Tip: For the first interaction with a contact, it is necessary to use a message template.

How to create your own Quick Reply

Any user, whether they are an Agent or an Admin, can create their own quick responses.

1 - Go to Settings > My profile and in the Quick Replies section, click on Manage.

2 - After opening a new window on the right, click the Create Quick Reply button.

3 - Press Create Quick Replies to generate a new response for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, or email (if you include the subject).

💡Tip: You can include automated data such as your name, the customer's name, or a quote.

4 - Press Save to complete the action.

Creating and editing Quick Replies for Groups

1 - Go to Groups & Users and click the quick replies icon on the right side of the screen:

2 - Click Create Quick Replies and add a title to the response, a message, and an editable field if needed.

3 - Press Save.

There you go! Now you have another saved Quick Reply template to use when needed.

⚠️Attention: Whenever an Admin creates Quick Replies within a group, they are available to all Agents belonging to that group, except for the Admin who created them.