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PayPal App
2 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/10/2023 3:58 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/4/2023 3:19 PM
Learn how to integrate Zenvia Conversion + PayPal and follow the details of your payments through the report

1 - To activate this app, go to Apps > press the "+" button on the side of the screen and choose the PayPal application:


2 - Select the group to which you want to assign the application and press "Install":


3 - Right away, the application settings will appear on a new screen:


Click on "Log in" and grant the requested permissions, after accepting them, select "turn on" > "save", to register the application in your account:


Ready! Now your agents can already share payment links in conversations with the clients.


PayPal report


In this dashboard you can see information related to the payment links generated:

  • On hold: links generated that the customer has not paid yet.

  • Rejected: operations denied.

  • Sales: operations completed.

  • Total charged: total amount of sales made through this system.


Payment links by Agent

In this table you can see the same information as in the general report but differenciated by agent.


Payment links details

In this section you will see when the link was sent, the agent who sent it, to which client it was sent, the status, the total amount and the units sold in each link.

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