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Create tickets with Trello in Zenvia Conversion
3 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/19/2023 4:53 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/7/2023 5:32 PM
How to activate and use the Trello app to create support tickets.

Turn your conversational channels into true customer service and support!


With this app you can:

  • Create tickets directly from your WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Instagram conversation.

  • View and publish comments on tickets.

  • Receive notifications about changes to tickets created from Zenvia Conversion.

  • Consult the history of tickets created and the detail of each of them.


How to activate the Trello app

  • Enter the Apps and search for the Trello app.

  • Once on the app screen, you'll see a description and install it.

  • On the settings screen, sign in to your Trello account. Then refresh the browser so that the changes are made.

  • You will see the configuration screen, where you can choose the board where your tickets will be reflected and the list in which they will be located. You'll also have the option to choose which Trello change notifications you want to receive.

  • Click on "on" and "save" to activate the integration.

How to use the Trello app

  • To create a ticket, you'll need to click the + button on the conversation screen and click on the Trello app.

  • A screen will open that will show the ticket history.

  • Tap on "Create New".

  • In this creation screen you must complete the ticket data. That is, a title, a description, a label according to priority. And add it to a list. You can also share ticket information with the customer. If you wish, you can assign the Trello card to a partner.

  • Press "Create ticket" to finish.

  • Once the ticket is created, you can view it on the history screen and review the comments left by your colleagues.


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