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01. Activity monitor in Customer Service in Zenvia Customer Cloud
3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 2/2/2024 10:43 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 7/29/2024 9:41 AM

Activity Monitor is a feature in the Customer Service module of Zenvia Customer Cloud, where you can track your team's recent activities and analyze operational efficiency. 

For example, suppose you want to analyze the number of archived service requests in the month of June. With this feature, you can use filters to check this detailed information by period, team, and agents.

This way, you evaluate the effectiveness of your conversion strategies, optimize communication with your customers, identify engagement trends, measure your team's productivity, and make more informed decisions.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Viewer, Operator, Admin and SysAdmin profiles.


To access the Activity Monitor, simply go to the side menu and click on Customer service > Activity Monitor. On this screen, you can view filter options, and the table of activities performed by your team.


Conduct customized analyses using the Period, Team, and Agents filters:

Period: It is the time period, which can be: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month, All history, or a Custom period.

Team: Filter by teams or groups.

Agents: These are the members of your team.


The table shows the activities carried out by your team. According to the applied filters, you can view different information, including: 

Date: date and time the activity was performed;

Agent: name of the user who executed the action;

Client: name of the contact;

Activity: details about the activity carried out by your team, whether it's creating a contact or receiving a message, for example. Messages have specifications about the channel and the text;

Conversation: redirection link to the conversation with the contact.

💡 Tip: Clicking on See chat redirects you to the Inbox.

Download Report

Click on Download report to download the activity monitoring report.

When the processing is complete, you will be notified via the Zenvia Customer Cloud Notification Center. To download the file, click on the notification bell sino-notificacoes.png located in the horizontal navigation menu and select Download report. The report is available for download for 15 days.

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