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01. Settings of sales in Zenvia Customer Cloud
12 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 2/7/2024 1:04 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 9/26/2024 12:03 PM

Configure and customize the service options in Zenvia Customer Cloud. The settings you define will be applied to the service boxes of your groups.

To start, go to Sales > Settings:

  • General Settings: Define aspects that apply to the entire service system, such as working hours, quick responses, calls, closing reasons, and queue conversation management.
  • Customer service teams: Manage and organize how users are grouped and how services are distributed among them.

⚠️ Attention: Users with Agent profiles only have access to Working Hours, Quick Responses and Away Messages settings. The other functionalities are available for Operator and Admin profiles.

General settings

The general service settings include:

  • Change the business hours of team members.
  • Create and edit quick replies messages.
  • Define closing reasons and response modes.

Business Hours

Set the working hours for your team members. This includes defining the days and working hours, allowing efficient customer service management. To do this:

  1. Click on Manage.
  2. You can add, adjust, or delete your working hours by enabling or disabling weekdays and entering the working periods.
    • Disabled appears as No customer service, but when enabling weekdays, you need to enter the working period in the provided fields: From and Until.
  3. Include the available weekdays, start and end times of the workday, as well as the break. For breaks, click Add schedule.
  4. After entering all the information, click Save.



From 09:00 To 12:00

From 13:00 To 18:00

Done. Working hours saved successfully!

Quick replies

Create and edit quick replies messages for leads and contacts. Quick replies are pre-defined message templates to streamline communication in different situations during a service interaction.

If a product is out of stock or if you receive a message outside business hours, for example, a Quick Reply can be sent.

To configure them:

  1. Click on Manage.
  2. You will be directed to the screen where you can view your Quick Replies and create new ones.

To create a new one:

  1. Click on Create quick reply.
  2. Fill in the fields Title and Reply.
    1. Use variable fields if you need to insert the contact's name, address, email, and postal code.
  3. Then click Save.

⚠️ Attention: The Quick reply is sent when the service interaction is open. For the first interaction with a contact, use a message template.

Closing reasons

Closing reasons are related to closing services. To configure them:

  1. Click on Manage.
  2. You will be directed to the screen where you can view your predefined reasons, your groups, and the button to create new ones.

To create a new one:

  1. Click on Create closing reason.
  2. Fill in the fields Closing reason and the Group it belongs to.
  3. Then click Save.

Done. Reasons created successfully!

💡 Tip: Better understand the closing reasons for the services performed by Agent users in Closing Reasons Analysis.

Reply mode

Set how to handle conversations in the queue. To do this:

  1. Click on Manage.
  2. You will be directed to the screen where you can choose between two options:
    1. After an interaction, jump directly to the conversation with the next contact in the queue unassigned contact.
    2. After an interaction, continue the conversation with this contact.
  3. After selecting the desired option, click Save.

Done. Assignments completed successfully!

Display Agent Names

Allow agent names to be visible to contacts during message exchanges. To do this:

  1. Select Manage;

  2. Enable the preference. Only one option can be active at a time. If one option is enabled, activating the other will automatically disable the first one, and vice versa. Choose between:

    1. Show first name only;

    2. Show full name.

  1. Click Save.

With the configuration enabled, the agent's name will be included in the message body, visible to the contact, on all commercial support channels (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Webchat).

⚠️ Attention: This configuration is only available for parent group administrators and hidden for subgroup administrators.

Customer service teams

View, edit, and change user groups. The service group settings include:

  • Assigning groups to the desired communication channels.
  • Inviting users to join specific service groups.
  • Viewing your company's service structure and the subgroups you belong to.

⚠️ Attention: To create additional groups and get information about group hierarchies, contact our support team.

The following service settings are made in Commercial Service > Settings > Service Groups.

Edit Group Name

To edit the name of a service group you manage:

  1. In the Customer service teams tab, locate the group and click on the pencil icon to make changes.
  2. Enter the new name and press Save changes.

⚠️ Attention: The group name cannot be empty and must be between 1 and 50 characters.

Change Group

To change the group of a user with an Agent profile:

  1. In Service Groups, locate the desired user in the service groups by clicking on the arrow icon on the right corner.
  2. Click on the pencil icon in the corresponding user's line, located in the Assignment column.
  3. Select the new group and save the settings.

💡 Tip: Enabling the New attendances button will automatically distribute contacts in the service box to users according to the automatic assignment rule. When disabled, contacts are manually assigned among users.

Group settings

To configure a group:

  1. In Customer service teams, click on the three-dot menu > Group Settings.
  2. Enter the value for the information:
    1. Consider a contact as "Urgent" after X minutes.
      • At the end of the defined time, the New waiting contacts graph changes in the calculation of the Overview thermometer, turning the line yellow.
    2. Consider a contact as "Delayed" after X minutes.
      • At the end of the defined time, the New waiting contacts graph changes in the calculation of the Overview thermometer, turning the line red.
    3. Set a value as a reference of the maximum limit for queued contacts in your operation.
      • If the number of waiting contacts is greater than the defined value, Admin users will see a dotted line on the Overview thermometer in the New waiting contacts graph.
  3. Check the box if you want to:
    1. Share the inbox with all the groups members.
    2. Display all the queued contacts for sales chats, meaning show all services in the queue to agents, allowing them to see and prioritize services generally.
  4. After making the settings, click Save.

Contact assignment

Choose how you want to handle services in the queue:

  • Contacts are not assigned automatically. Users need to be assigned manually.
  • Contacts are automatically assigned to users in sequential order.

You can also define the period for assignment after the message arrives.

💡 Tip: Learn how contact assignment works in sales settings.

Enable qualification via chatbot

Enabling automated triage allows you to offer your customers automated service through an initial triage before being transferred to human service. This triage separates services by group or, if there is no group, simply closes the conversation.

Clicking this option will redirect you to the Chatbot flow screen for configuration. To learn how to configure it, refer to this article Qualification via chatbot.

⚠️ Attention: If you already have triage enabled in the group, this feature will appear as Edit qualification via chatbot. If you have a different chatbot, it will appear as Edit Chatbot.

Contact closing

Choose when to automatically close inactive contact services. Opt to keep it as Never or for a specific period.

Set and away message

Away messages are automatically sent when a user receives a message in the chat with the contact and it happens through the channel configured in the group/user.

For example, if a contact is chatting with a user whose working hours are from 9 AM to 6 PM and sends a message at 6:01 PM, the away message will be sent automatically, but the assignment will remain with the user.

⚠️ Attention:

  • If a group has more than one channel, the configuration will apply to all channels in the group. If all channels are removed from the group, the out-of-office message will be lost.
  • If the channel is assigned directly to a user and not to a group, the out-of-office message must be configured in the group to which the user belongs.
How to set the away message:
  1. In the Customer service teams tab, choose the group(s) and click on the three dots  > Set an away message;
  2. Decide between:
    1. Do not send message: The group will not send any automatic messages in case of absence;
    2. Outside of business hours: Send a message when there are no agents during the group's business hours;
    3. Always send: A message will be automatically sent whenever a service is initiated in the group;
    4. Custom time: The message will be automatically sent for services initiated within the selected period. Add the start and end date and time.
  3. Type your absence message using up to 1024 characters;
  4. Click Save.

Done! The settings made will be applied to the Inbox of your teams.

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