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02. Conditions and usage of InteractionZ
11 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/9/2024 12:18 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 10/7/2024 4:09 PM

InteractionZ is the term that describes message interactions between a company and a contact, which can be active or receptive. Active interactions are messages sent directly by the company to the contact's device, while receptive interactions are those initiated by the contact in response to these messages or on their own.

Each InteractionZ lasts for 24 hours from the moment it is opened. During this period, your company can exchange unlimited messages with the customer without consuming additional InteractionZ.

If the conversation continues after this 24-hour interval, a new InteractionZ will be automatically consumed, restarting the interaction cycle and allowing for continued support.

💡 Tip: To track the consumption of InteractionZ in your organization, go to Analytics > Consumption.

Consumption of InteractionZ

An InteractionZ is counted whenever:

  • Your company initiates support, whether or not there is interaction from your customer;

  • The customer initiates contact with your company through any of its multichannel channels or via API;

  • There are mass messages with customer feedback.

  • There is any public movement in tickets, such as creating a ticket, visible automation to the customer, responses or interactions via chat, email, or dashboard.

⚠️ Attention: Mass messages, automated responses, and internal tickets do not generate InteractionZ. Consumption only occurs when there is a direct interaction from the customer with your company.

Frequently Asked Questions about InteractionZ Consumption

Clear up your doubts about InteractionZ consumption and see examples of how interactions are counted within Zenvia Customer Cloud, including scenarios with direct support, email blasts, chatbot usage, and transfers between departments:

If you send a mass message to 1000 contacts and do not set up the transfer to human support, and 50 contacts respond, no InteractionZ will be consumed. That is, without the transfer to an agent, there is no consumption of InteractionZ.

The consumption of InteractionZ occurs for each contact that interacts with the support. If the transfer to human support is configured, each response from a contact consumes one InteractionZ. If the support continues within the initial 24 hours, the consumption remains the same, regardless of the number of messages exchanged. After 24 hours, each contact that continues the conversation will consume a new InteractionZ.

Here’s an example:

  • You perform a mass message to 1000 contacts and configure the transfer to human support:
  • 50 contacts respond: 50 InteractionZ are consumed.
  • The agent provides support within the 24 hours: the total consumption remains at 50 InteractionZ, regardless of the number of messages exchanged.
  • If 20 of those contacts continue the conversation after 24 hours, an additional 20 InteractionZ will be consumed.
  • The total InteractionZ consumed will be 70 (50 for the first 24 hours + 20 for interactions after the period).

Each time a contact interacts with the chatbot, whether initiated by the company or the customer, one InteractionZ is consumed per contact. This includes all messages and interactions within the chatbot.

However, the consumption of InteractionZ only occurs when the chatbot is available to the public:

  • Production Support: When the chatbot is publicly functioning, each interaction with customers consumes one InteractionZ per contact.
  • Testing Support: During the internal testing phase, interactions with the chatbot do not consume InteractionZ, as the chatbot is not yet accessible to the public.
Yes, in marketing automation, each contact that interacts with an automatically sent message consumes one InteractionZ. This includes responses to campaigns, notifications, or any type of automated message.

When a commercial support interaction with a contact is initiated without using mass messaging, each contact consumes one InteractionZ per 24-hour session, regardless of who initiated the conversation (the company or the customer).

During this period, you can exchange as many messages as necessary with the contact without consuming another InteractionZ. Only at the end of the 24-hour period will a new InteractionZ be consumed if the support continues.

Email sends are not considered a conversational channel; therefore, a customer's response to the email does not consume InteractionZ. However, if the email is linked to an automated workflow, the consumption of InteractionZ occurs when the customer meets the trigger rule and receives the message configured in the first step of the flow.

Here’s an example:

You set up a communication workflow that automatically sends an email when a customer is added to a specific list. As soon as the customer enters this list and receives the automated message, one InteractionZ is consumed. This happens because the send was triggered by a predefined action in the automated flow.

InteractionZ are consumed whenever there is a public movement in a ticket, meaning when an agent communicates directly with the customer. Internal movements, such as creating tickets for other departments, do not consume InteractionZ.

Here are some examples:

Example 1:

  • Customer: Opens a ticket requesting a new software license.
  • Support: Analyzes the case and forwards the ticket to the IT Department → Consumes 1 InteractionZ (public movement).
  • IT Department: Creates an internal ticket for the Purchasing Department. → Does not consume InteractionZ (internal movement).
  • Purchasing Department: Requests the license and informs the IT Department about the timeline → Does not consume InteractionZ (internal movement).
  • Purchasing Department: Closes the internal ticket with the license key after 2 days → Does not consume InteractionZ (internal movement).
  • IT Department: Notifies the customer with the purchased license key → Consumes 1 InteractionZ (public movement).
  • Total InteractionZ consumed: 2 InteractionZ.

Example 2:

If a customer reports an issue with their internet router and the support is resolved within 24 hours, this consumes 1 InteractionZ.

Example 3:

If a customer requests a refund via email and the support takes more than 24 hours, this consumes 2 InteractionZ. The first InteractionZ is accounted for when the ticket is opened, and the second occurs when the finance department notifies the customer about the payment.

The use of chatbots consumes InteractionZ when there is a transfer to human support. Each interaction with the chatbot and the handoff to an agent count towards the total InteractionZ.

For example:

  1. A customer initiates an interaction with the chatbot, which asks questions about the issue they are facing → Consumes 1 InteractionZ.
  2. Then, the chatbot transfers the support to a human agent to continue resolving the problem → Consumes 1 InteractionZ.

No, internal movements, such as forwarding a ticket to another department, do not consume InteractionZ. Only direct interactions with the customer in public movements count towards consumption.

For example, when a support agent responds to the customer in a ticket or a department informs the customer about the status of the support, that does consume InteractionZ.

Practical examples of InteractionZ consumption

Want to understand how Zenvia Customer Cloud accounts for InteractionZ practically? Check out the supporting videos below:

Attract and Convert: InteractionZ in Broadcasts, Commercial Support, and Chatbot

Serve: InteractionZ in Support and Chatbot [Soon!]