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12. Optimizing message broadcast content with AI
3 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/15/2024 3:51 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 3:44 PM

Use the Smart writer feature of Zenvia Customer Cloud to review the spelling and grammar of your messages to ensure that your broadcasts are of high quality.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator or Admin profiles.

Why use AI to review message content?

In addition to providing a positive experience for recipients, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool elevates the quality of your messages. Checking for grammatical and spelling errors ensures that messages are professional and error-free, reflecting positively on your brand.

Messages with grammatical and spelling errors can be interpreted as spam or deceptive content by recipients, so it's important to ensure the quality of the content sent to provide a reliable experience for your customers.

How to review the message

Content review can be done in SMS, RCS (Rich and Basic), and email broadcasts. WhatsApp messages cannot be reviewed due to their need for approval from Meta.

To use the feature:

  1. In the summary of your broadcast, select the Check message option;
  2. The Smart writer displays the original message and the corrected message if it finds any spelling and/or grammar errors;
  3. To apply the corrections, click Accept suggestions and continue;
  4. There you go! The message is corrected, and you can proceed to the scheduling step of your broadcast.

Other ways to optimize your broadcasts

To improve the effectiveness of your broadcasts on Zenvia Customer Cloud, you can:

  • Personalize your message using variable fields, making it specific to each recipient. This customization increases engagement and conversion rates for recipients;
  • Allow your contacts to unsubscribe from email or WhatsApp messages without blocking your number. This helps you comply with privacy regulations, protecting your reputation and avoiding legal issues.

With high-quality, personalized messages and accessible unsubscribe options, you enhance the user experience and can achieve good results in your broadcasts.