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01. Registration of Email Message Templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud
8 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 3/6/2024 2:06 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 8/13/2024 11:17 AM

Registering your email message templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud is simple and intuitive. Before you begin, ensure that the email channel is integrated with your account.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is only available to users with Operator or Admin profiles.

To manage and create your email templates, go to Settings > Message Templates > Email.

Manage Email Templates

To manage existing templates:

  1. Use the search or filters to locate existing templates;
  2. On the templates screen, you will see: Template ID, Name, Status, and Last Update;
  3. In the options three-dots.png, you can:
    1. Edit Template: Modify the content and settings of the existing template.
    2. Copy JSON: Obtain the JSON code of the template for use in other integrations or systems.

    3. Copy Template ID: Copy the unique identifier of the template for reference or use in other parts of the system.

    4. Delete Template: Remove the template from the system if it is no longer needed.

💡 Tip: Click the Report of Sendings button to generate reports on sendings from the current month or previous months.

Create New Email Template

To create a new email template:

  1. Click the Create New Template button and fill in the following information:
    1. Template Name: This field should be uniquely defined for your organization. Choose a name that makes the template distinguishable if you have multiple message templates. Examples: welcome | payment_update | delivery_status. Remember that special characters and numbers are not allowed in this field.
    2. Language: Specify the language of the message content. The selected language should match the text and content inserted in the message.
    3. Email Address: Select the sender's email, which will be displayed to recipients. It must be pre-registered and configured.
    4. Email: Define the email address to which Zenvia should send update information about the registered template.
    5. Category: In this field, indicate the purpose of the message template. It should be equivalent to the message's theme/subject. Learn more about Template Categories.
  2. After defining all fields, click Next.

Message Type

In this step, choose the desired message type. This is a crucial point, as you must decide whether to use a simple message, just with subject, body, and attachments, or if you want to create a message using the email builder.

💡 Tip: The resources available in the email builder make it easier to create and customize the body of the email message.

After choosing the message type and clicking Next, you are directed to the next section: Template Content.

Template Content

In this step, you need to define the template's content. Follow the steps below:

  1. Subject of the Message: Define the subject of the email. Your message may or may not contain a subject;
  2. Body of the Message: Required field. If the chosen message type includes subject, body, and attachments, type the message or import an external HTML file. If you use the email builder, simply drag the desired resources into the message body;
  3. Attachments: Define whether your message will have attachments. Remember, the message can contain up to 30 MB in total;
  4. Reply-to (Email for Replies): Email replies from contacts can be forwarded to an exclusive recipient.

💡 Tip: You can customize your message with variables.

Variables in the Template

A variable is the information in the message that will be replaced with your customers' personalized data.

To include a variable, simply use double curly braces, the variable name, and close with double curly braces, as shown in the example: Hello, {{name}}. We received your message at {{hours}} and will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can use variables in all text fields of the template. If the variable exceeds the character limit of the message, an error will occur during sending. At the time of sending, you will need to provide the content of the variables.

⚠️ Attention: If you receive the error message "Sorry, we couldn't save your template" when finalizing the message template, check the following points:

  • Unique Names: Ensure that each name is unique within the same channel. Duplicate names are not allowed.
  • Variables: Avoid using special characters in variables (such as $, commas, spaces, hyphens, cedillas, percentages, etc.). These characters may not be recognized correctly, which can cause errors in template creation.

Click on Preview to see how your template will be displayed, and you're done! Now just click on Finish and your template will be automatically created and approved.

Template Categories

Understand each of the template categories and their functions:

Category Description

Related to promotions, offers, greetings, invitations, and requests.


  • Thank you for your order! Use the code SAVE10 to receive a 10% discount on your next purchase.
  • Hello, my name is "Maria." How can I assist you today?
  • Our store has moved. We're now closer to you. Visit us at Rua Padre Chagas, 222.
  • You missed your appointment. Click here to reschedule it.

Confirms payments, alters transactions, notifies about accounts and payments.


  • The payment was received. Enjoy the show!
  • Your order has been shipped and will be delivered on Friday.
  • Your password has been updated.
  • Your prepaid balance is low. Click here to reload it.
  • Your check-in is complete. Here is your boarding pass!
  • Reminder: You have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday at 4 PM.

For topics not mentioned in other categories, such as product recommendations and newsletters.


  • Thank you for choosing our company. Your feedback is very important to us.
  • By renewing the enrollment, you are investing not only in the present but also in building a bright future for your children. Renew here.
  • Black Friday, enjoy unprecedented discounts of up to 70%!
  • Your item is on the way, track your order here.

Done! Now you know how to create message templates for email.