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05. WhatsApp Message Template Library
2 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 3/7/2024 10:54 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 4:18 PM
The Message Template Library functionality is a bank of WhatsApp message templates that you can use to send to your customers. These are pre-approved templates by Zenvia, which you can add to use according to your preference.

The WhatsApp Message Template Library offers efficiency and time savings, as you don't need to create a message from scratch when you want to send a standard communication.

In addition to the ease of approval, the use of pre-approved templates facilitates this process, as the messages have already been reviewed and comply with WhatsApp policies, avoiding errors or inconsistencies.

Some examples of using WhatsApp message templates:

  • Update registration;
  • Congratulations on your customer's birthday;
  • Event invitation;
  • Contract proposal;
  • Discount, offer, or opportunity;
  • Black Friday;
  • Notice of product in stock;
  • Test result;
  • Appointment scheduling;
  • Consultation reminder, etc.

How to access

To access this functionality, access the bottom left menu Settings > Message Templates > Template Library.

You can add as many templates from the Template Library as you wish. To do this, follow the steps:

  1. Search for the name of the WhatsApp message template.
  2. Specify the Type, which can be: Education, Retail, Automotive, Entertainment, Clothing, Restaurant, Travel and transportation, Professional services, among others.
  3. Specify the Category, you will have three options: Authentication, Marketing, and Utility. To learn more about each one, see this documentation.
  4. Check the checkbox of the desired templates, confirm this action by clicking on Add templates.
  5. Select the Sender ID, i.e., the identification number of your phone line, click Confirm, and you're done.

The selected templates will go for Meta approval. When approved, they will appear in the general list of templates and will be available for use.

That´s it! WhatsApp message template addition process completed.