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03. Closing reasons Analysis
3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 4/24/2024 9:14 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 5/16/2024 12:28 PM

Closing reasons is a feature of the Analytics module in Zenvia Customer Cloud that allows for a better understanding of the reasons behind the closure of chats by Agents users.

You can filter data by group and time period to thoroughly analyze the metrics of the Sales module, identifying improvement opportunities to further close sales in your company.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available to users with Viewer, Operator, and Admin profiles.

How to analyze X data

To access this feature, simply go to Analytics > Sales > Closing reasons.

Use the filter to view information about your groups and the following periods: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month, and Custom.

💡 Tip: You can download all tables in CSV format.

Let's see what each graph represents:

Closure reasons

This table shows the metrics of your chats in the Customer Inbox and your contacts regarding the reasons for closure:

Reason for closure: These are the reasons for closure, such as an inactive contact or a contact transfer.

Total contacts: Number of contacts that had a chat closed for the same reason.

Conversations: Total number of chats closed for this same reason.

Closing time: Median time the team takes to close a chat based on working hours.

Closure reasons over time

This graph compares the number of chats closed over time by closure reason, making it easy to identify patterns.

Examples of closure reasons:

Incorrect data;

Waiting for response;


Not interested;

Out of stock;



Closure reasons can be analyzed along with other variables, such as the number of contacts and/or chats closed for the same reason, and the average time the team takes to close a chat, taking into account working and/or non-working hours.

💡 Tip: Closure reasons are created by you in Sales > Settings > Closure reasons.
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