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04. Add Skill to the Chatbot
4 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 5/22/2024 2:25 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 6/18/2024 4:55 PM

The Skills screen allows you to specialize a particular action for your chatbot, improving the user experience with more detailed responses. 

To understand its function in practice, suppose you have a general knowledge base covering a variety of topics about your company. Also imagine that your customers often have the same question on a particular subject. By adding a Skill, you give the chatbot the ability to answer repetitive queries in a more specific way because now, instead of searching for the information in the broad knowledge base, the chatbot will immediately recognize that the query is related to a specific Skill and will provide the corresponding answer more precisely. 

Add skill

Go to Chatbot > List of chatbots > Chatbot with AI and head to Skills in the left-hand side menu. Then click on Add skill. Choose one of the types:

  • Targeted response: Ability to answer a specific question based on specific content. Here the chatbot answers common user queries in more detail, using information from the knowledge base associated with the skill. If you have any questions, see the article Accessing and adding a knowledge base in the Chatbot AI Library.

  • Transfer: Here the chatbot directs users to the sales department and is generally used when the query requires something more specialized or when it's to close a sale, for example. 

Then make the necessary settings for each type by entering the information and click on Add skill.  

Settings for Targeted response:

  • Name: Choose a name that defines the purpose of this skill. For example: “FAQ about opening accounts” or “Chat for department 2”.  

  • Command: Definition that the chat will use to identify the skill. For example: I want the chatbot to use the defined content whenever it is asked about account opening.

  • Knowledge: Choose one of the contents available in the Knowledge Base. The chatbot will consult the information as a reference to provide answers. 

  • Reply size: Set the number of characters to indicate the maximum length of the chatbot's response. 

⚠️ Attention:The greater the number of characters, the longer the response time. 

Settings for Transfer:

  • Name: Choose a name that defines the purpose of this skill. For example: “Chat for department 2”.  

  • Command: Definition that the chat will use to identify the skill. For example: I want the chatbot to transfer the conversation to a human agent whenever it is asked about financial transaction problems. 

  • API Key.

  • Group ID.

  • Industry.

  • Select the information that will be sent to the customer service. The chatbot can ask the customer for their Phone, Email and Name. 

⚠️ Attention: You must have at least a telephone number or email address. In other words, the customer can't just give their Name. 

Edit skill

Added Skills are displayed on the main screen. You can:

  • Disable/Enable a Skill by clicking on the icon. habilitar.png

  • Edit/Skill by clicking on the three dots.tres-pontos-mais-opcoes.png

Finally, if all your chatbot settings are ready, click on the Publish chatbot button located below the added skills. 

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