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01. Defining the Objective and Type of Chatbot
7 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 7/18/2024 3:29 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 7/25/2024 5:06 PM

Welcome to the Chatbot module of Zenvia Customer Cloud. Here, you do not need to understand programming or code to create a virtual assistant and automate communication with your customers.

This article is an introduction to guide you through the first steps and ensure that your solution meets your business needs and provides a positive experience for users.

Defining Your Chatbot's Objectives

Before creating your first chatbot, it is important to define the objective. Here are some questions to help:

  • What problem are you trying to solve? Identify the specific issue that your chatbot should address. This can range from providing customer support to facilitating sales processes or technical assistance.

  • How do you want to interact with customers? Decide on the interaction style that best meets your customers' needs and the usage context. This will help you choose between a Generative AI Chatbot or a Flow Chatbot.

Choosing the Type of Chatbot

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, you can choose from the following types of chatbots to meet the specific needs of your business:

  • Generative AI Chatbot

  • Flow- based Chatbots

  • Qualification chatbot

Let's get to know each of them?

Generative AI Chatbot

With the Generative AI Chatbot, you can include a personalized chat experience on your company's website or channels like WhatsApp Business, without the need to write any code.

Here, conversations are more natural and fluid, and the chatbot can handle a wide range of questions by adapting its responses to the context of the conversation. It is also possible to determine the chatbot's personality, set its behavior to reflect your company's culture, make it more or less formal, use emojis or not, among other options.

For example, if your goal is to provide customer support, an interaction might go as follows:

User: I am having trouble with my account.
Chatbot: I am sorry to hear that. Can you provide more details about the problem you are facing?

Flow- based Chatbots

This type of chatbot follows predefined flows with scripts and predetermined responses, ideal for structured and repetitive tasks where interactions follow a clear pattern.

Unlike the Generative AI Chatbot, the same goal of providing customer support would have an interaction similar to:

User: I am having trouble with my account.
Chatbot: Please select one of the options below to continue:

  1. I forgot my password

  2. I cannot access my account

  3. Other issues

Qualification chatbot

Qualification chatbot is used when you want to perform an initial triage before transferring users to human support.

It ensures that the user is directed to the correct department or agent to assist them.

For example, an interaction could go as follows:

Chatbot: Hello! To better assist you, please provide your name and briefly describe the problem you are facing.
User: My name is John, and I am having trouble accessing my account due to login issues.
Chatbot: You mentioned that you are having trouble accessing your account. I will transfer you to an agent specialized in login issues. Please hold on.

Creating Chatbots

  • Generative AI Chatbot: Created by defining the name and general guidelines about what the chatbot should do, filled in a single field. It can be enriched with personality definitions, content to be consulted, or specific skills. Everything is done simply, without creating conversational flows, making it highly recommended for beginners.

  • Flow Chatbot: Depends on creating conversational flows, which can be done in three ways: creating a flow from scratch in the builder, using a template, or having the help of an AI assistant that will create the flows through your written guidelines. In all cases, flows are generated in the builder, defining how the conversation will be conducted by the chatbot, and must be manipulated and adjusted in the builder.

  • Qualification chatbot: This chatbot's sole purpose is to direct the conversation, created by filling out a form without generating a flow in the builder.

Next Steps

Now that you know how to define the type of chatbot you want, the next step is to add your files to the Knowledge Base.

It is a centralized repository that stores essential information and answers to frequently asked questions, feeding the "knowledge" that the chatbot will use to provide answers, whether it is a Generative AI or Flow chatbot.

The Knowledge Base will not be used in Automated Triage since this type of chatbot focuses on directing the user to human support based on basic information collected and not on contextual and detailed answers provided by the knowledge base.

Access the article Add and manage content in the Knowledge Base and start preparing it with the content that will be used, ensuring that it is available when creating your chatbot.

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