Keep track of your customers wherever they are. Link your chatbot to conversational channels and automate all your operations.
In this article:
The integration of the channel you want to use is first done on the Zenvia Customer Cloud Settings screen. Upon integration, the channels will be available for link during the creation of the chatbot.
Therefore, before proceeding with the tutorial in this article, access the articles below and follow the instructions. Then return and proceed with the reading.
💡 Tip: If you want to link a channel to an Automated Triage, access the article Create Qualification chatbot in Zenvia Customer Cloud
Link a Channel to the Flow Chatbot
Access the Chatbot list and, in the tab corresponding to the type of chatbot, click on the name of the one you want to link to a channel.
Click on Channels, at the top left of the Constructor.
Click on Link Channel.
Choose one of the available integrations from the list. Check the selection box
and finish by clicking on Link Channel.
Unlinking a channel from the Flows chatbot
When you unlink a channel, you are completely removing its association with the chatbot. This means that the channel will no longer be connected to the chatbot and will not receive messages or interact with the bot unless it is linked again in the future.
- Click on Channels, in the top left corner of the Constructor.
- In the box of the channel you want to unlink, click on Options
and choose Unlink Channel.
Done! The channel will be free and available among the integrations for another chatbot.
Enabling or disabling a channel in a Flows chatbot
When you enable a channel, you are activating it so that it starts receiving messages and interacting with the chatbot. When disabling it, the channel remains linked to the chatbot but is temporarily deactivated for receiving messages. This means the channel is still associated but not operational until reactivated.
- Click on Channels, in the top left corner of the Builder.
- In the box of the channel where you want to perform the action, enable or disable by toggling the button
Link a Channel to the Generative AI Chatbot
Access the Chatbot list and, in the tab corresponding to the type of chatbot, click on the name of the one you want to link to a channel.
Click on Channels, in the left sidebar menu.
Click on Link Channel.
Choose one of the available integrations from the list. Check the selection box
and finish by clicking on Link Integration.
Unlinking a channel from the Generative AI Chatbot
When you unlink a channel, you are completely removing its association with the chatbot. This means that the channel will no longer be connected to the chatbot and will not receive messages or interact with the bot unless it is linked again in the future.
- Click on Channels, in the left sidebar menu.
- In the box of the channel you want to unlink, click on Options
and choose Unlink Channel.
Done! The channel will be free and available among the integrations for another chatbot.
Enabling or disabling a channel in a Generative AI Chatbot
When you enable a channel, you are activating it so that it starts receiving messages and interacting with the chatbot. When disabling it, the channel remains linked to the chatbot but is temporarily deactivated for receiving messages. This means the channel is still associated but not operational until reactivated.
- Click on Channels, in the left sidebar menu.
- In the box of the channel where you want to perform the action, enable or disable by toggling the button