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[Enterprise] Panels and Visualizations: Customize Views
6 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 11/13/2024 4:36 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 2/18/2025 3:49 PM

Customizing ticket views is an essential feature for better organizing and tracking workflow. You can choose between two types of views: the Kanban format and the list format. 

Use Case Example

Imagine you are responsible for customer support and need to closely monitor all open, pending, and resolved tickets. In the panels, you have an organized view of each ticket, allowing you to prioritize the most urgent tasks and monitor team progress by tracking each step of the support process.
In this article:

Practical Tutorials

  1. In the sidebar menu, click on Tickets.

  2. Select Customize Views.

Next, see separately how to create a ticket view in list and Kanban formats.


01. List View

The list view provides a detailed and customized perspective of tickets, ideal for organizing specific data for each request.

After accessing the Customize Views screen, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on New

  2. Set a name for your view. 

  3. Choose the List format. 

  4. Set the conditions that the tickets must meet in order to appear in the list. The conditions can be: 

Combined Conditions

Require all conditions set in this section to be met for the ticket to be displayed. 

In the example image below, the criterion is that the ticket’s Status field must be equal to "Waiting". This means only tickets with this status will appear in the view.

To combine more conditions or choose a status, click in (+) bottom.

Independent Conditions

Allow the ticket to meet at least one of the listed conditions. This means that if the ticket meets any of the criteria in this section, it will be displayed, even if it doesn't meet all conditions.

In the example image below, the field Opened via of the ticket must be equal to Online Chat. This means that for the ticket to appear in the view, it must meet at least one of the defined conditions. This feature is useful when you want to include tickets with varying statuses, as long as at least one of them meets one of the configured criteria. 


In this section, you can select and organize the columns that will be displayed in the listing view. To do this:

  1. Click and drag: Select a column from the list of Available Columns and drag it to the Selected Columns section so it appears in the view.

  2. Organize the order: After adding the desired columns, you can reorder them in the Selected Columns section by dragging them to your preferred position.

Note that it is possible to select a maximum of 10 columns for the view.

Finally, save your changes. The new listing will appear in your list of views. If it does not appear immediately, refresh the page.

If you wish to export your listing, click on Options > Export. You can also use the Filter field to refine the results as needed.


02. Kanban View Format
The kanban format provides a visual and segmented view of the service flow, ideal for monitoring processes at each stage.

After accessing the Customize Views screen, follow the instructions:

  1. Click on New.

  2. Define a name for your view.

  3. Choose the Kanban format.

  4. Set the conditions that the tickets must meet to appear in the listing. This step is the same as explained earlier in the List view format. Just follow the tutorial already provided.


In this section, you can select and organize the columns that will be displayed in the view. By default, three columns will be created: Status, To Do, and In Progress.

To create a new one, click on Add Column and give it a name.

Finally, save your changes. The new view will appear in your list of views.

If you wish to export your listing, click on Options > Export. You can also use the Filter field to refine the results as needed.

Special behavior exceptions

  1. Access Policy: If the agent does not have permission to edit the ticket, they will not be able to move it.

  2. Approval Rules: Tickets awaiting approval cannot be moved until they are approved or canceled.

  3. "Closed" Status: Tickets cannot be moved to statuses based on "Closed" via Kanban.

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