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Transfer service
4 min
Created by Humanz on 6/3/2022 12:15 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:10 PM

The Transfer service feature allows the Administrator or Agent to transfer a session to another agent or department.

By transferring the session to a specialized department or agent, the customer with the Administrator profile receives more effective and targeted support. Additionally, they get a faster resolution, as transferring to another department or agent can speed up the process by connecting the customer with the person or team most qualified to handle the issue.

Administrator Profile

To access this feature through the Administrator profile, go to Zenvia Chat - Administrator Profile > Dashboard > in the active conversation, click the Transfer button.

Select the agent/admin or department to which the session will be transferred. On the agent's screen who received the transfer, a message will appear indicating the transfer and to whom the conversation was directed.

The agent who received the transfer will be able to see it in the ongoing conversation, in the upper left corner of the screen. As we will see below.

Agent Profile

To access this feature through the Agent profile, go to Zenvia Chat -  Agent Profile > Ongoing Conversations > in the active conversation, click the icon zchat-02.png.

When you click the Transfer button in the Agent profile, two tabs will open: Departments and Agents.


In this tab, all company departments are shown, and below the name, you can see how many agents each department has. You can choose the desired department and click Select. Or you can also use the search bar to find the desired department. As shown in the GIF later on.


In this tab, all available agents are shown, along with their statuses such as Logged in, Pre-break, Break, or Logged out. Those available for service are displayed at the top of the screen. You can also see how many chats each agent has. For example, 1/10 means the agent is handling one session out of a total of ten queued chats. This allows you to more accurately choose the agent to whom you want to transfer the session.

If the transfer is made to someone unavailable, after notifying the agent, the session remains in their pending list. In this case, the administrator can transfer the session to someone else.

As in the Departments tab, in the Agents tab, it is also optional to include the Reason for Transfer. For example, if you need support from another agent more specialized in the client's issue, you can include this transfer reason. Or if you need another department to take over the request, such as the product area. Finally, click Transfer.

💡 Tip: The transfer reason is recorded in the chat session itself and is also available in the session history as an internal message.

Done! Transfer reason displayed on the screen.