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08. Managing tasks
2 min
Created by Humanz on 6/3/2022 12:16 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:55 PM

In the Tasks tab, you can create and view existing tasks. This allows you to view only your tasks, search for tasks by name, or filter them based on their status: completed (marked when tasks are done), expired (the deadline has passed, and the task was not marked as completed), and open (the deadline has not passed, but the task has also not been marked as completed).

To access this feature, go to Zenvia Chat - Agent Profile > Tasks.  

  1. To add a task, click the Create task button. Here, we need to include the name of the client associated with the task. The system will show the fields on the right for filling in the information, as shown in the image below.
  2. To mark a task as completed, just click on the circle located on the left side of it, turning it green, as shown in the sequence below.
  3. To edit an existing task, simply click on it. Then, click on Edit to change the desired information. After that, just click Save.

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