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10. Automatic Messages
3 min
Created by MLMC on 12/2/2022 10:20 AM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:45 PM

The Automatic Messages feature are messages that can be fired based on triggers, using variables in the text, configuring different departments and establishing recurrence of sending, i.e. after how long (it is possible to configure the time) the message will be resent. This feature allows the customer greater personalization by creating fully customizable automatic messages. 

To access it, go to Zenvia Chat - Administrator Profile > Service > Automatic Messages.

To create an automatic message, click on the + icon at the top right. Enter the Trigger, Name of the automatic message, Message to be sent and the Department(s). If you wish, add Variables to your message. As shown below:

The automatic messages already created are displayed with the following information:

  • Name: Name to identify the automatic message more easily.

  • Message: Message to be sent.

  • Time to send the message (in seconds): After how long of inactivity (of the customer or agent) the message will be sent. For example: 1500 seconds > 25 minutes.

  • Last update: Date the message was created. 

  • Department: Selection of which departments/areas of the company the customer wants to link the message to.

  • Trigger

    • Agent inactivity;

    • Customer inactivity;

    • Queue notification;

    • Transfer to agent;

    • Transfer to department;

    • Welcome message (when the agent starts the service);

    • Waiting SLA (message used when the waiting SLA has expired);

    • 1st response SLA (message used when the 1st response SLA has expired);

    • End of service.

  • Agent: Name of the agent. 

  • Status: Message Enabled or disabled. 

💡Tip: Each trigger allows access to different variables, depending on the subject covered by each trigger. 

Remember that, if you wish, you can also edit or delete an automatic message. 

That's it! Now you know the possibilities of automatic messages.