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10. Notification of WhatsApp Templates via Zenvia Chat
5 min
Created by MLMC on 2/7/2023 3:44 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:57 PM

The WhatsApp Template Notification feature allows agents to send notifications (WhatsApp HSM) in a conversation that already has a service history in Zenvia Chat.

This enables the agent to re-establish contact easily through an active message for customers who have already been assisted via Zenvia Chat. 

This article will cover sending notifications in cases where the WhatsApp number is directly integrated into Zenvia Chat or when there is integration through Zenvia Bots. 

⚠️ Attention: For both cases, it is necessary to enable the notification sending option from the Channels > WhatsApp > Send Notifications screen when a WhatsApp number is already integrated into the Zenvia Chat account. Please note that this option is not available for test Sandbox numbers. 

Once the Notification Sending option is enabled by the Admin, the agent can access the History screen in their Agent Panel or a conversation in the Inactive Queue, select the contact for which they want to send the notification (HSM). 

It is important to note that the notification can only be sent for conversations that were previously held via WhatsApp on Zenvia Chat (meaning the customer gave opt-in for contact with that WhatsApp number). 

By selecting the WhatsApp icon in the conversation, the available/already approved templates for the WhatsApp number will be displayed. If the template contains variables, there will be a field for entering the information and previewing the message after selecting the desired template.

If a conversation already has an active session (i.e., a notification has already been sent), the WhatsApp icon will not be available for a new message. It will be necessary to wait for the customer to respond to the notification to continue the conversation (this is a limitation of the WhatsApp channel for conversations resumed with a message sent by the company).

  • To learn how to configure a WhatsApp line in Zenvia Chat, visit: Channel - WhatsApp.
  • To learn how to approve templates for your WhatsApp line, visit: How to register templates for WhatsApp.

Next, learn how to: 

Enable Notification Sending.
Send a Notification from History.

Enable Notification Sending

In the Administrator profile, go to the Channels menu > WhatsApp > Enable Notification Sending

⚠️ Attention: The screen to enable notifications is in the Administrator panel, so you must be an Admin user or ask the Admin of the account to enable it. 

Done! Notification sending enabled! 

Send a Notification from History

In the Agent profile, go to the History menu. 

Select the conversation for which you want to send the Notification. Click on the WhatsApp icon, in the contact details that will open in the right corner of the screen.

Search for and select the Notification Template you want to send.

After selecting the desired template, you will be able to preview the message that will be presented on WhatsApp. 

Fill in the template variables, i.e., the texts according to the customization you want to make. For example, if the template you chose has fields for the name, product name, and delivery date, fill in the information to fully personalize the message for your customer. 

Click on Next. Next, define the time the session will remain open waiting for a response. 24 hours is the default, but you can choose other periods. Then, click on Send message

Remembering that, to send a WhatsApp template notification to the Inactive Queue, follow the same process as sending from History. 

Done! Notification sending from history is complete!