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Frequently-Asked Questions
7 min
Created by KM on 2/10/2023 4:30 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 10/16/2023 11:44 AM

Where can I find my bill from Zenvia Conversion?

You can find your bill directly on the platform as an manager user. In the following video, you can see how to access:

Bills are also emailed to the contact we have in our database. If you have any issues receiving bills or want to change your contact email, contact financeiro.cvlatam@zenvia.com.

Who should I contact about discounts or cancelling my account?

You can contact the Customer Success team directly through the e-mail conversion.cs@zenvia.com so they will handle discounts. To cancel your account, you can complete this form.

How much does the Basic Plan cost and what does it include?

The Basic Plan costs $99 USD per month and includes three users, with the possibility of expansion for up to 10 users, click here for more information.

How much does the Pro Plan costs and what does it include?

The Pro Plan costs $299 USD per month and includes five users, click here for more information.

What is an extra seat?

Extra seats are extra users you can buy in addition to the users included in your plan.

What is an extra seat purchased?

An extra seat purchased is a user license purchased in advance.

How much does an extra seat cost?

The cost of an extra seat varies depending on the plan you are subscribed to. The cost of an extra seat for clients with the Basic Plan is $29 USD and for thoses who have contracted the Pro Plan is $39 USD.

How can I request an extra seat?

You can request additional users by emailing financeiro.cvlatam@zenvia.com and including the number of extra users you would like to purchase.

When will I be billed for an extra seat?

You will see the cost of an extra seat on your next bill.

How can I cancel an extra seat or extra users?

You can remove them yourself as an administrator user. We show you how here.

How do I cancel the extra seat in advance?

To remove the extra seats in advance you must request the cancellation by e-mail to financeiro.cvlatam@zenvia.com.

What is a WhatsApp, Instagram o Facebook credit pack?

A WhatsApp, Instagram o Facebook credit pack is the way we allocate billing for WhatsApp messaging. Each pack costs $10 USD.

What is the value of a WhatsApp credit pack?

The cost of WhatsApp messages depends on the country where your WhatsApp line is based. You can see more details on our pricing page in the See WhatsApp Costs by Country section.

How many WhatsApp, Instagram o Facebook credit packs can I use a month?

You can use as many credit packs as you need every month.

Can I buy WhatsApp, Instagram o Facebook credits in advance?

Yes, you can buy WhatsApp credits in advance. For this, contact financeiro.cvlatam@zenvia.com.

How does WhatsApp, Instagram o Facebook bill?

WhatsApp, Instagram o Facebook usage is billed in arrears at the end of the month. You will see your monthly WhatsApp use for the month on your bill.

Where can I see my account status?

You can see this information in the "Account Status" section you'll find as an administrator user. For more information, we recommend you read this article.

Where can I see details of my WhatsApp, Instagram o Facebook use?

You will be able to see them grouped by inbound, outbound and by line (in case you have more than one), enter from the administrator user > Settings > Account status > Spending.


How much does a WhatsApp line cost?

Each WhatsApp line costs $125 USD.

What are Zenvia Conversion's billing periods?

Zenvia Conversion offers the following billing periods: Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-annually, and Annually.

When is my bill due?

Bills are due 20 days after they are issued. This date will vary depending on your billing period.

What payment methods can I use to pay for Zenvia Conversion?

We offer various payment methods depending on the country you are in:


  • Credit card, payment debited automatically every month.

  • Bank transfer.


  • Credit card, payment debited automatically every month.

  • Bank transfer for plans with a monthly cost of over $1,000 USD.


  • Credit card, payment debited automatically every month.

  • Voucher.

USA (and the rest of the world)

  • Credit card, payment debited automatically every month.

  • Bank transfer for plans with a monthly cost of over $1,000 USD.

Does Zenvia Conversion accept payment in cash or via PayPal?

Unfortunately, we do not accept cash payments or via PayPal. We only accept automatic payment via credit card, bank transfer, or voucher (Brazil).

How can I change my credit card information in Zenvia Conversion?

To upload a credit card or change the credit card information you have saved currently, sign in as an administrator and follow these instructions.