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How does WhatsApp Business API works
2 min
Created by KM on 2/13/2023 3:54 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/2/2023 11:12 AM
Learn how it works and how we configure the WhatsApp Business API integration

Zenvia Conversion's integration with WhatsApp Business allows you to track all the conversations your business has via WhatsApp so that you can monitor and improve them.

You can also add notes and reminders, and schedule meetings to organize and scale your sales processes.

On top of that, you won't have to worry about unattended prospects. Distribution via intelligent assignment rules means your clients are shared out to your agents efficiently so no one will be left unattended, no matter how big or small your team is.

Additionally, sales representatives will receive calls from clients through your business's official phone number, which you can add to your window displays, website, and advertising.

One of the benefits of using Zenvia Conversion's official integration is that you have access to templates that have been pre-approved by WhatsApp. This allows you to initiate and re-activate conversations with any clients that request contact, without fear of being sanctioned. Plus, you can add any others that your team needs for their day to day work.

This way you'll have a communication channel with a consistent response level😁