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How to change the profile picture of your WhatsApp line or channel
1 min
Created by KM on 2/15/2023 5:13 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/5/2024 11:15 AM

Learn in this article how to insert and/or change your profile picture for your communication channels and registered lines in Zenvia Conversion.

How to Change the Channel Profile Picture

1. Access Conversational Channels from the side menu.

2. Choose the channel or line you want to change.

3. Click on the channel icon image, located to the right of the line name.

💡Tip: To change an existing image, click on Upload photo.

4. Select an image from your gallery.

5. Click Open.

Done! Refresh the page to see the photo that will appear in your channel's profile.

Allowed Image Size and Format

For WhatsApp profile pictures, the standard size is: 640 x 640 px.

It is recommended to use images in JPEG or PNG format. This way, you will successfully upload the profile picture.

If the photo does not update in your profile, check if it could be a format issue or try using another photo with the recommended specifications.