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Team Performance Report
6 min
Created by MLMC on 2/17/2023 12:08 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/10/2024 6:23 PM

The Team Performance Report aims to facilitate the analysis of each consultant's performance and the team as a whole regarding contacts entered within a specific period.

The data in the Team Performance Report pertains to the Chats module.

💡Tip: This report includes a date filter that determines the group or user to be analyzed, allowing you to view information for the following periods: Today, Yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, This month, Last month, and Custom.

How to analyze team performance data

To access this feature, simply go to Reports > Team Performance in Zenvia Conversion.

Here's what each graph represents:

First Response Time

The First Response Time is the median time your team takes to respond to a new contact. This metric calculates the time from the creation of a contact (who sent a message to your company) to the first response from an Agent/consultant user.

The graph calculates a number based on the selected filter and compares it to the equivalent previous period. This number takes into account the active business hours of the users.

This average metric does not consider users who are outside of working hours, nor does it account for quick responses or messages automated by the Zenvia Conversion Bot flow.

For example, if a customer sends a message on Sunday night, the response time will start counting on Monday morning or at the start of the consultant's configured shift.

Response Time

The Response Time is the median time that the team takes in general to respond to a contact where the conversation is already open, calculating not only the first response but each time there is an interaction with the same contact.

The graph shows a number calculated based on the selected filter and compared to the same number of days from the previously selected period. This number also takes into account business hours.

We use the median instead of the mean so that our metrics represent the work of your team.

💡Tip: To calculate the first response time and the real response time of your contacts, including times when consultants are not working and weekends, review the new contacts and conversations report.

Team Performance Table

The Team Performance Table shows how groups or consultants have performed over time: number of clients they have interacted with, total clients contacted, individual response times, etc.

⚠️Attention: The data in the table changes if you choose to view information by Groups or by Users.

Check what each column means:

  • User: names of consultants/agents listed alphabetically and by group.
  • Group: each group belonging to your company's structure.
  • Total Contacts: number of contacts/clients, counting any action taken by the consultant/group.
  • Contacts Taken: contacts assigned by the consultant/group.
  • Total Conversations: includes all conversations that occurred in the selected analysis period, both new and those that were already open and continued in the service.
  • New Conversations: new conversations started in the selected analysis period.
  • Closed Conversations: conversations closed/archived by the consultant or group or automatically.
  • Close-in: average time between the start and end of the conversation, counting only the hours worked by the consultant/group.
  • Responds in: average response time overall, counting only the working hours of the consultant/group.
  • Messages Sent: number of messages sent.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction score is calculated as the percentage of customers with a satisfaction index of "Satisfied" or "Very satisfied."

A conversation is defined as the interaction of a user with a contact from the moment the first message is sent until the conversation is closed for a closing reason.

⚠️Attention: Total Conversations are not the sum of new conversations with closed conversations, as the same conversation can be opened and closed in the same week, for example.

Response Time per Hour

This heat map shows the days and times with the longest delays in responding to contacts. It helps identify whether it is necessary to increase service at certain times or if there is a high concentration of contacts at specific times.