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Notifications and WebHooks
2 min
Created by KM on 2/23/2023 11:33 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/5/2024 11:25 AM
The Zenvia Conversion API has an important section for notifying other systems when certain events occur within the platform.

The API notifies other systems via an HTTP POST request to a registered URL, sending the event-related information in the request body. This technique is known as a Webhook.

Currently, the events (known as Topics) that can be reported to a registered URL are:

  • Creation of a prospect in Zenvia Conversion (after receiving and validating a lead)

  • Update of a quote with a status change

  • Resolution of an interaction by a consultant

Registration and Use of Notifications

To register notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the API Key to access the Zenvia Conversion API.

  2. Register a new subscription for specific events (topics) and specify a URL for notifications (callbackURL), all directly in the Notifications section of the API.

  3. Once the subscription is registered, whenever the event occurs on the platform, Zenvia Conversion will notify the registered URL via an HTTP POST request.

You can check or remove available subscriptions at any time directly in the Notifications API.


Remember that you need an API Key to access the API.