The Zenvia Conversion API allows external systems to be notified about specific events on the platform using Webhooks.
A Webhook is an HTTP POST request sent to a previously registered URL, containing information about the event that occurred.
Available Events (Topics)
The events that can be notified include:
- Prospect creation: Notification sent after receiving and validating a lead.
- Quote update: Notification of status changes.
- Interaction resolution: When a consultant closes an interaction.
How to Register Notifications
To set up notifications, follow these steps:
- Obtain an API Key: Required to access the API.
- Register a subscription: Specify the events (Topics) you want to track and provide the URL for notifications (callbackURL) in the API's Notifications section.
- Receive notifications: Whenever the event occurs, the API will send an HTTP POST request to the registered URL.
Practical Examples
Registering a Subscription
To register a subscription for the prospect creation event, send the following request:
POST Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer {sua-api-key} { "topic": "lead.created", "callbackUrl": "" }
Webhook Example Received
When a prospect is created, your system will receive an HTTP POST request with the following body:
{ "topic": "lead.created", "eventTime": "2024-12-09T15:30:00Z", "data": { "leadId": "12345", "name": "João Silva", "email": "", "phone": "+5511999999999" } }
Querying Registered Subscriptions
To list all existing subscriptions, send the following request:
GET Authorization: Bearer {sua-api-key}
The response will be similar to:
[ { "id": "subscription1", "topic": "lead.created", "callbackUrl": "" }, { "id": "subscription2", "topic": "interaction.resolved", "callbackUrl": "" } ]
Make sure you have an active API Key to use the API features.