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Error sending messages in Zenvia Conversion
4 min
Created by KM on 3/2/2023 4:43 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/8/2024 10:32 AM

Discover if your customer's contact number is valid or not in this guide to help you better understand message sending errors in Zenvia Conversion.

Possible Errors in Message Sending

Invalid Number on WhatsApp

It may happen that when adding a new contact and trying to send a message template to start a conversation in the Atendimentos tab, the following message appears: "This number is not linked to a WhatsApp account and cannot receive messages."

This happens because the added number does not have an active WhatsApp account, therefore, it will not be possible to interact through this means.

💡 Tip: If you created the contact manually, make sure to review the number entered and verify if it is correct. If the client originated through a campaign or online form, it is likely they left a landline number (without WhatsApp) or an incorrect number.

Incorrect or Nonexistent Number

One thing you can always try is to verify if the client's number has a WhatsApp account to be contacted.

To do this, you can go to wa.me/ (client's number) and WhatsApp will redirect you to your personal WhatsApp to send a message to the entered number.

For example, if the contact number is +55 98765-4231, you should access wa.me/55987654231 removing the slashes and spaces. Similarly, you can use this technique to create a contact link for your WhatsApp number to share with your clients, as explained in the article How to Create a Link with Your WhatsApp Number.

When accessing the link as explained above with the client's number, you will most likely find the following message: "The phone number shared via URL is invalid."

Geographic Blocks

⚠️ Attention: Due to a restriction by WhatsApp/Facebook, some numbers when sending messages to or from the following countries (Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria) will not enter Zenvia Conversion.

Number Format Error

Make sure the phone number is entered in the correct international format. Phone numbers without the country code or with spaces and special characters can cause message sending failures. For example, numbers like (123) 456-7890 should be converted to the format +551234567890 to be valid on WhatsApp.

Message Not Delivered

If you try to send a message and it is not delivered, it may be due to connectivity issues with the recipient's device, a blocked number, or privacy settings that prevent receiving messages from unknown numbers.

Suggested Actions

  • Verify Number: Make sure the number is in the correct format and that the contact has an active WhatsApp account.
  • Correct Manually: If the number was added manually, verify the digits for accuracy.
  • Use Verification Tools: Use tools like wa.me to check if the number is associated with a WhatsApp account.
  • Consider Geographic Restriction: Check if the number does not belong to regions with restrictions imposed by WhatsApp/Facebook.
  • Privacy Settings: Consider that the recipient may have privacy settings that block messages from unknown numbers.