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Mailchimp campaign with Zenvia Conversion
2 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/10/2023 4:34 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 1/5/2024 2:01 PM

This integration with Mailchimp allows you, with just a few clicks, to build your email campaigns with the contacts you already have in Zenvia Conversion. You just need to have a Mailchimp account!


To activate it, follow these steps:


1- Go to Zenvia Conversion and look for Mailchimp in the Apps section.


2- This screen will appear:


3- Log in to your Mailchimp account by clicking on the orange button. Once logged in, press "on" and then "save".


4- Go to Contacts and filter the customers you want to send your campaign to.


5- Click on the "Apps" logo that you will see in the upper right part of the screen.


6- A box will appear in which you must write the name of your campaign, the type (normal or plain text), and select the audience.

mailchimp campaign sirena

7- If you already have an audience created in Mailchimp and you want to add these contacts to it, you can select it directly from this box. If not, you can create a new one by clicking on the Mailchimp link.

mailchimp audience

8- When you press "Continue in Mailchimp", you will be directed directly to the portal of this email manager, where you can set up the campaign, with the Zenvia Conversion contacts already included.

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