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4 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/12/2023 3:55 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/4/2023 4:49 PM
App to send automatic messages and product descriptions on your conversations with this application.

With this app you can send automatic messages through WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger every time you receive a new order from WooCommerce.

Also, you can send all the information about your products directly from the conversation with your client in Zenvia Conversion.


To activate the application:


1 - Go to Apps and click on the WooCommerce icon:


2 - A window will open in which, in addition to giving you the possibility of installing the app, you will be given relevant information on how to use it.


It is important to read the entire explanation to use the app independently.


3 - Then, you must choose the group where to install the app, for that, press the indicated button > select the group you want > click "Assign" > "Install":


4 - Connect with your WooCommerce account in Zenvia Conversion. Next, you must grant permissions to Zenvia Conversion:


5 - Activate the option to send the automatic template you want. You can use any of the templates that you have previously activated on your line and when a WooCommerce lead is received, the configured template will be sent:

mensajes automaticos tienda nube sirena

6 - Click "Save" to finish.


IMPORTANT: Due to limitations, the app only allows templates that contain the following expressions:






For example:


Hello ${prospect.firstName}, how are you? - VALID ✅

Hello ${prospect.firstName}, I’m ${user.firstName}. Welcome to Zenvia Conversion! - INVALID ❌


And in the App Configuration, of those 2 example templates, it will only display the VALID one.


Using the application


1 - Enter any of your conversations and click on thesymbol + at the bottom of the screen:


2 - Click on the WooCommerce icon. A screen will open where you can place the name of the product and select it:


3 - You can also choose the variants in case there are several products with the same name:


4 - You can choose whether or not you want to add the regular price, the current price, the promotional price, and the description:


5 - Press the button "send details to the client" so that your contact receives the message:

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