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Media sizes and formats accepted in Zenvia Conversion
2 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/20/2023 4:30 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 1/30/2024 3:18 PM

Can Zenvia Conversion send audio messages? How large can the files be and in what format?

Yes! We support AAC, M4A, AMR, OGG, and Opus file types. The maximum file size is 16 MB.


Can you send documents using Zenvia Conversion? What's the maximum document file size you can send?


Yes. Zenvia Conversion supports sending and receiving documents in PPT(X), PDF, DOC, and XLS(X) format. The maximum document file size is 100MB, however, submission through the Instagram channel is not allowed.


What is the maximum image size you can send? How many images can you send simultaneously through Zenvia Conversion?


The maximum image size is 5MB. Currently you can send up to 10 photos simultaneously through Zenvia Conversion.


What's the maximum video file size you can send?


The maximum video file size is 16MB.


These are the main limitations that WhatsApp presents in sending media and that affect its use in Zenvia Conversion. For more details, you can refer to this Meta article.


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