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Download images, documents, videos and audios from your conversations in Zenvia Conversion
1 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2023 9:39 AM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/7/2023 11:53 AM
Check how to download each of these media files

Zenvia Conversion allows you to download the main media that you receive and send directly through the conversation with your customer. See how in the video below:


By directing the mouse arrow to the media you want to download, a small arrow will appear and when you click on it, you will see the option to start the download:

In the case of images, by clicking on the arrow, the image will open in full screen and the download option will appear in the upper right corner, as indicated below: 

In both cases, the file will be saved on your computer.


Note: This functionality is currently only available in the desktop version.

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