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Problems with my Instagram Business account
5 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2023 10:03 AM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/9/2023 5:59 PM
Instagram messages are not coming in or I am not receiving new messages

If you could integrate Instagram with Zenvia Conversion but you're not able to send or receive new messages, it's important to consider this:


1 - In Facebook, go to Advanced Messaging and select the last option, that says responses are partially automatic.

2 - Check in the configuration of your Facebook page that Zenvia App has the instagram_basic and instagram_manage_messages permissions, within the Advanced Messaging option.


If the permissions are already configured, check within the Handover Protocol that the Instagram receiver has Zenvia App configured as the main receiver.

3 - Within Zenvia Conversion, the Instagram channel must be assigned to a group that has at least one user with an advisor role and that is marked as Available.


If you are not sure about this, go to Customer service channels, click on the channel you want to review and assign it to a group with these characteristics. You can also assign it directly to an advisor in the Users section.

You can verify at Groups&Users that the group you choose does indeed have advisors available.


4 - If you still do not receive messages, please go to https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=business_tools and open Zenvia App (it is the application that connects Instagram with Zenvia Conversion). Once there, make sure to check and allow all permissions for the Instagram account and the Facebook page associated with your account.

It is very important that in all the sections that open, you check the box to give permission to the connected Instagram Business account(s), and the page(s) associated with the Instagram accounts.


5 - Finally, if even after following all these recommendations you still do not receive messages, please remove Zenvia App from https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=business_tools to delete it, check the box on the right and the delete button will be enabled.

Once removed, go to Conversational Channels, select your Instagram account and click on the menu with three dots in the upper right corner to disconnect the account.


After disconnecting it, add it back to Zenvia Conversion making sure to accept all permissions for the account(s) you wish to link.


After performing these steps, if the problem still persists, you should follow the steps below:

  • Access Zenvia Conversion and disconnect the Instagram integration. Next, from the FB administrator user, access https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=business_tools.

  • If you only have one Instagram integration and it is failing, delete the Zenvia APP that will appear in that link. If you have more Instagram integrations, but only one is failing, do not delete the Zenvia APP, just access view and edit and uncheck all the options in the box that will open, the page that is not working with Instagram in Zenvia Conversion.

  • After performing this procedure, access Zenvia Conversion and integrate Instagram again. If you have doubts about how to do it, you can click here to see the step by step of how to integrate again.


Done, it should work now! Otherwise, please contact us through our support channel in your Zenvia Conversion account and we will be happy to help you.

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