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Steps and Conditions for Migrating Between BSPs
3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2023 2:05 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/7/2023 4:56 PM
How to migrate between WhatsApp providers

In the previous article, we explained the process of migration and its benefits.


Below, we explain the steps and conditions to be able to migrate your WhatsApp number to the "Zenvia" BSP.



  1. Have access to the same Business Manager ID you used to register your line(s) with Zenvia Conversion. If you have any question about whether it is the same, you can contact our support team and we will help you with that information.

  2. If you are a Zenvia Conversion client and have your own number connected to the platform, the phone number must be able to receive calls or SMS for the migration to be successful.

  3. In the case of migrating to a BSP outside Zenvia Conversion, the number you are using must be your own line. If you have a line provided by Zenvia Conversion you will not be able to migrate to a BSP other than Zenvia.

None of the conditions listed are exclusive at this time.


Important: If your line was provided by Zenvia Conversion and you want to migrate to Zenvia, the only condition you need to fulfill is point number 1.



Once you have confirmed that you fulfill the conditions listed above, we can proceed with the migration process following these steps:

  1. The BSP "Zenvia" will send a request to your Business Manager (link that will take you to the site where you will receive the request https://business.facebook.com/settings/requests).

  2. Line validation if you have your own number, we will send an SMS/call with a 6-digit code that you must give us in order to be able to integrate your line with the "Zenvia" BSP. If the number was provided by Zenvia Conversion, skip this step.

  3. Configuring the line in the new provider, this is the final step, which our technical team will take care of.

As you can see, it's very simple. What are you waiting for? Migrate to Zenvia! 🤩

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