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09. Workdays
3 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 5/8/2023 9:09 AM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:10 PM

The Workdays feature allows the account administrator to define customized working hours, according to their preference, for the agents in an operation.
With this, the administrator can define the number of hours per day that the agent must work. This setting can be selected for both weekdays and weekends. You can use Workdays in different cases, see the examples below:

  • When you hire third parties to work in customer service, and these third parties work different schedules, with some working on Sundays and others not, the operation administrator can select for each agent the number of hours they need to be connected for each day of the week they should be working.
  • Or, another example of how you can use Workdays is when your company has full-time and part-time agents in its operation. That way, if you need to differentiate the number of hours worked in the day for a standard Monday to Friday routine, you can use the Workdays to make that differentiation.

⚠️ Attention:  This feature is only available for the Advanced plan.

To access it, go to Zenvia Chat - Administrator profile > Service > Workdays.

  • Name: enter the name of the new working day.
  • Workday: select the days of the week you want by clicking on each button.
  • Hours: manually enter the start and end times and minutes for the selected period(s). You can use the Copy for all button when you have more than one day selected (in this case, Monday and Tuesday) and when the first day (in this case, Monday) has a timetable filled in. You can then select the Copy to all button when you want to replicate the same working day for the rest of the days, without having to type everything in again.
  • Weekly workday: this shows the total productive hours for the selected period.

Finally, click Save, workday created!

Once you have created or edited a custom workday, it will be presented as an option to be selected on the Agent List screen, when you add a new agent in the Workday field. 

Done! The process is complete.