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01. Internal Message between Admin and agent
4 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 9/14/2023 3:46 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:10 PM

The Internal Message feature is designed to provide and facilitate internal communication between the Administrator and the agent. With this feature, the Administrator can initiate an internal conversation to send a message or instruction to the agent, who can view and respond to it. This benefit allows the Administrator to assist the agent by guiding and instructing them in resolving each customer service interaction. All of this aims to enhance the level and quality of service and, consequently, improve customer satisfaction.

Internal communication can be initiated from the Dashboard screen.

The Internal Message feature can be used in various situations. See the two example scenarios below:

  1. The Administrator is in the Waiting Queue and decides to observe how their agents' interactions are progressing. When reviewing an interaction, if the Administrator notices that the agent hasn’t fully answered the customer’s question, they can provide guidance by sending an internal message. In response, the agent thanks the Administrator for the instruction and sends another reply to the customer following the Administrator’s guidance.

  2. The Administrator needs to review the history of a conversation to check the instructions given to the agent. They can view all the internal messages exchanged between them and the agent by consulting the Service History and can export it as a PDF for record-keeping.

⚠️ Attention:This feature is only available for customers on the Advanced plan.

To include an internal message, if you have the Administrator profile in Zenvia Chat, go to Dashboard, click on the desired service request, and then click the Send internal message to agent button. Once you click this button, a text box will appear on the screen where the Administrator can write the message to the agent.


After sending the message, an indication that it is an internal message will appear in the conversation.

💡Tip:All internal messages exchanged between the Administrator and the agent are available in the History.

If you are an agent and want to view, respond to, or send an internal message, go to Zenvia Chat - Agent Profile > Inbox.

On the agent's screen, when receiving an internal message from the Administrator, the ongoing conversation will indicate that there is an unread message. By clicking it, the agent will see a Reply button to interact with the Administrator. To display all internal messages in this interaction, click on View all private messages.

To initiate an internal conversation with the Admin or a supervisor of their choice, the agent simply clicks on the Call Supervisor tag in the ongoing conversation, searches for the name, writes the desired message, and clicks Send, following the internal message sending and response process.

That’s it! Now you know how the Administrator and the agent can send, view, and respond to an internal message.

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