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Zenvia Conversion Integration with Zenvia NLU
3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 1/18/2024 9:52 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 1/18/2024 10:08 AM

Zenvia NLU is a conversational artificial intelligence tool designed to create virtual assistants across various communication channels, automating stages of the customer journey. 

Integrated with Zenvia Conversion, you can use Zenvia NLU's chatbots to enhance digital customer service and operational metrics, whether for sending messages about customer service (SAC) or for conversion strategies influencing purchase decisions.

For example, if you send a campaign for discounted products and receive a response, the chatbot will categorize the subject, mapping needs for lead qualification. Subsequently, the lead will be transferred to one of your consultants to complete the sales closure.

Understand how it works and the necessary settings to integrate Zenvia Conversion with Zenvia NLU in this article.

⚠️Attention: To implement and use the features of this integration, contact our Professional Services team. The integration is compatible only for clients using the same WhatsApp line in Zenvia Conversion and Zenvia NLU.

How it Works

The integration begins in Zenvia NLU, where the first step is to create a message flow to develop your chatbot. When the transfer to human service occurs, the contact is redirected to Zenvia Conversion.

In the chat with your contact (located in the Chats side menu in Zenvia Conversion), you'll find a note with the entire history of messages exchanged between the Zenvia NLU bot and your client. It will also display other information such as:

Source (NLU);

Date and time;

Name, email, and phone.

💡Tip: You can receive other customer data in Zenvia Conversion, provided it is sent at the time of the Zenvia NLU transfer.

In the case of sending Message Templates via Zenvia Conversion for a recontact, the responses will arrive directly in Conversion, without interaction with the Zenvia NLU chatbot. To end the service, simply close or archive the conversation. For recontacts, send a Template.

WhatsApp lines already integrated between Attraction and Conversion can be used in conjunction with the Zenvia NLU integration.

In the event of transferring the chatbot to human service, your Agents will automatically receive contacts according to the distribution rule settings.

⚠️Attention: Zenvia NLU does not send messages while there is ongoing service in Zenvia Conversion. The integration is exclusive to WhatsApp. NLU does not have access to messages exchanged in Conversion.

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