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Leads API in Zenvia Conversion
5 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 1/19/2024 1:41 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/1/2024 1:51 PM

This API was developed with the purpose of providing an asynchronous way to send leads to Zenvia Conversion, allowing you to receive a webhook containing the results. Learn about the requirements and how to use this API in your account in this article.

⚠️ Attention: Integrating an API requires advanced technical knowledge, so it's important to seek the assistance of a developer.


Requests made to the API must include a valid API key as a header parameter. For example:

To access the API, it is important to include a valid API key in the header of requests. This helps ensure security and the correct processing of information. Here's an example:

var headers = {

  'x-api-key': 'YOUR-API-KEY',

  'Content-Type': 'application/json'



O Endpoint desta API está disponível em: https://conversion.zenvia.com/#tag/Leads


Send Retail Lead

Production API server: https://conversion.zenvia.com/#operation/newRetailLead

Processes lead data and returns the matching prospect. If the prospect already exists previous lead data will not be returned. Retail industry only. 


Send Insurance Lead

Production API server: https://conversion.zenvia.com/#operation/newInsuranceLead

Processes lead data and returns the matching prospect. If the prospect already exists, previous lead data will not be returned. Insurance industry only.

Send Automotive Lead

Production API server: https://conversion.zenvia.com/#operation/newVehicleLead

Processes lead data and returns the matching prospect. If the prospect already exists, previous lead data will not be returned. Automotive (vehicle) industry only.

Send Saving Plan Lead

Production API server: https://conversion.zenvia.com/#operation/newSavingPlanLead

Processes lead data and returns the matching prospect. If the prospect already exists, previous lead data will not be returned.Saving plan industry only.

Send Real Estate Lead

Production API server: https://conversion.zenvia.com/#operation/newRealEstateLead

Processes lead data and returns the matching prospect. If the prospect already exists, previous lead data will not be returned. Real Estate industry only.




  "message": "Lead accepted",

  "code": "202",

  "correlationId": "{Generated UUID for webhook reference}"



It is important the the user saves the correlationId in order to correlate the response that will be sent afterwards in the Webhook session.




    "message": "{MESSAGE}",

    "error": "Forbidden",

    "statusCode": 403



Where {MESSAGE} can be:

  • API key is missing

  • There is not any integration available with the API Key provided

  • The API Key provided is disabled

  • This route does not have a scope associated to it

  • The API Key provided has invalid scope: {SCOPE}, you need {SCOPE1} or {SCOPE2} permissions.

  • This integration does not have an assigned group

  • Invalid industry {INDUSTRY}. The API Key provided requires {INDUSTRY1} or {INDUSTRY2}.



    "message": [

        "utmSource must be a string"


    "error": "Bad Request",

    "statusCode": 400




When the client sends a lead successfully, a correlationId will be provided and here it will be used to correlate the response to the post the client made. It has the following format:


  "response": "{RESPONSE}",

  "correlationId": "{Generated UUID for webhook reference}"



Where {RESPONSE} has the same format as the response from the v1 API, with one added response:


  "code": "500",

  "message": "The server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.",


{RESPONSE} by Type of Lead

Retail Lead Response

Insurance Lead Response

Automotive Lead Response

Saving Plan Lead Response


Real Estate Lead Response

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