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01. Integrations of Sales in Zenvia Customer Cloud
6 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 2/5/2024 1:26 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 6/25/2024 10:59 AM

In the left sidebar of the Sales module in Zenvia Customer Cloud, you will find Integrations to install sales-related applications in your Customer Inbox.

Some types of applications you can install and configure include CRM, ERPs, lead providers, sales websites, and more. This way, you can enhance your sales conversion.

Let's say you have a store on Mercado Livre. By integrating your account with Zenvia Customer Cloud, you can extract customer data and respond to questions about posts all in one place.

Get more information about Integrations in this article.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available only for users with Operator and Admin profiles.


In the Integrations screen, you can view the installed integrations by groups. To search for specific integrations, use the search bar. For a customized view, use the Type and/or Status filters.

Type Filter:

  • CRM;
  • Lead provider;
  • Sales websites;
  • Email-based lead sources;
  • Manual Load.

Status Filter:

  • Without issues (Ok);
  • With issues (Error);
  • Waiting (Waiting for the first execution);
  • Turned off (Turned off);
  • Lack of information (Information loading is missing).

API Access and Webhook Access

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, we offer the possibility of integration through API and Webhooks, allowing for process automation and efficient operation.

API Access

The API is responsible for notifying other systems through HTTP POST requests to registered URLs, sending the content related to the event (topic). With API access, you can:

  • Send and receive leads;
  • Subscribe to webhooks;
  • Read and write Endpoints of prospects and Interactions;
  • Send transactional messages about appointments and delivery notifications;
  • Send conversation messages for automatic responses or chatbots;
  • Activate the function to Act on behalf of a user to perform operations in the system.

Webhook Access

The Webhook is used to notify other systems about specific events (Topics) that occur in Zenvia Customer Cloud. The Topics for which you can subscribe to receive notifications are:

  • Contacts: about the creation or updating of contacts;
  • Interactions: about events that occur with a contact;
  • Quotes: about new quotes or updates;
  • Consultants: about obtaining or transferring contacts by consultants.

💡Tip: Select a consultant to act on behalf of the application.

Registration and use of notifications

After obtaining the API Key to access the Zenvia Customer Cloud API, you can register a new subscription for certain topics and specify a callback URL to receive notifications.

This can be done directly in the Notifications section of the API. Once the subscription is registered, you will be notified through HTTP POST requests whenever the topic occurs. You can check or remove available subscriptions at any time, directly in the Notifications API.

💡Tip: Each API integration is provided a unique API Key. Use them in your accesses. In webhook integrations, use URLs to receive information about specific topics.

How to install applications

If you're new here and don't have any installed applications, or if you want to install a new integration, follow the instructions below:

1. Click on the + button, located in the bottom right corner.

2. Choose from the most popular integrations or use the search bar to find the desired application.

3. Select a group to assign the application.

4. Click on Install.

Done! Now you can configure this application to connect it to your account in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

List of Integrations accepted in Zenvia Customer Cloud

Check out the possibilities of integrations that you can install in your account:

Inbound Email

Website (via email)

Landing Page (via email)


Classifieds (via email)


Zoho CRM

Google Drive





Mercado Shops

Mercado Libre


Webhooks Access

API Access






Mercado Pago

Facebook Catalog

Facebook leads

Google Sheets


After installing the integration, you can perform advanced settings to define the priority of incoming leads in the Attendances. Additionally, you can choose distribution rules among your team members.

Some integrations have specific settings and information synchronization options. If you need help, contact our support team.

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