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01. Analytics of the Campaigns in Zenvia Customer Cloud
4 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 2/5/2024 3:42 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 3/8/2024 4:12 PM

Campaigns is a feature of the Analytics module in Zenvia Customer Cloud (ZCC) that allows you to analyze data on the performance of your Message Shots and campaigns created by Meta.

For example, let's say your company created a campaign for Black Friday and sent it to 1000 contacts. With Campaigns, you can see how many responded, which ones converted into sales, and the financial return on your investments.

Understand in this article how to measure the performance of your shots for a more informed decision-making and, thus, expand your company's revenue.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is only available to users with Operator and Admin profiles. To use the functionality's features, you must be a paid advertiser with Meta.

How to analyze Campaigns

To access your Campaigns, simply go to the side menu and click on Analytics > Campaigns.

On this screen, you can see the filter options for Source and Period and the Campaigns panel with the performance data of your shots made by Zenvia Customer Cloud and Meta.

💡 Tip: To download and obtain all the information from the report in a CSV file, click on Download report in the upper right corner of the screen.


  • Source: is the source of the data, whether it's a campaign from Meta's Click to WhatsApp or from a message shot from ZCC.
  • Period: is the time period, which can be: today, yesterday, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, the current month, or the previous month. The information changes according to the chosen period. The dates are related to the conversations generated in the Inbox.

Campaign Report

Check below the meaning of each field:

Name: is the name of the communication rule sent through Message Broadcast. Example: Black Friday 2024.

Reach: is the number of contacts that received the campaign. In this field, you manually add the total number of impressions of your campaign. Example: 1000.

Contacts: represent the contacts that responded to a campaign. Each time you receive a message from a broadcast, a contact is counted. The messages are received in the Inbox.

Chats: is the number of times conversations occurred with the same contact in the Inbox of Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Sales: are service closures due to successful sales. Sales are registered in Closure Reason.

Reach investment: is the value invested in Message Broadcast or Click to WhatsApp.

Chats investment: this field is filled in automatically, as it represents the division between the number of generated Conversations and the value of the Investment in Reach. The cost is related to the number of service performed and the amount invested.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is only available for Click to WhatsApp.

Cost per chat: the amount invested per conversation in the Inbox.

💡 Tip: To edit information, click on the pencil icon in Edition.

There you have it! Now you know how to analyze the performance of your message broadcast in Zenvia Customer Cloud.



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