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02. Conditions and usage of InteractionZ
6 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/9/2024 12:18 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 5/9/2024 4:33 PM

InteractionZ is the term that describes message interactions between the company and the contact. These interactions can be:

  • Messages sent to a device, called Mobile Terminated (MT);
  • Return messages, i.e., those initiated from a device, called Mobile Originated (MO).

An InteractionZ lasts for 24 hours from its opening, and new messages within that period do not create a new InteractionZ. If the interaction exceeds the 24-hour window, a new InteractionZ is consumed, renewing the session.

Usage of InteractionZ

InteractionZ are always generated based on the customer's response. This means that when the customer responds to a message sent by the company, an InteractionZ is consumed. For example, if during a bulk send you configure the transfer to human assistance and the customer responds to the message, this will result in the consumption of InteractionZ.

It is important to note that bulk sends and automatic responses do not generate InteractionZ. The consumption of InteractionZ only occurs when there is a direct interaction from the customer in response to these sends, or when the customer is directed to human or automated (chatbot) assistance during the interaction process.

Therefore, an InteractionZ is counted whenever:

  • Your company starts a conversation (Sales), whether or not there is interaction from your customer;
  • The customer initiates contact with the company on any of its channels;
  • There are mass shootings with customer feedback.

InteractionZ are generated regardless of the integration method. That is, their consumption will be displayed for clients integrating channels through our solution as well as those doing so via our multichannel API


Understand how the software counts InteractionZ in specific situations.

Email broadcasts

When it comes to email broadcasts:

  • If a customer responds to a message sent by the company, it does not result in the consumption of InteractionZ, as email is not considered a conversational channel.
  • If the email is linked to an automated rule, the consumption of InteractionZ occurs when the customer fulfills the rule assigned to the trigger and receives the message configured in the first step of the flow. For example, you created a communication rule and selected the trigger that activates it, such as when a contact is added to a specific list. The customer who fulfills this rule enters the first step of the flow, and this interaction is counted as InteractionZ. This happens because it is considered an MO trigger and applies to any channel.

Chatbot calls

When it comes to chatbot calls:

  • Calls in production count as InteractionZ because they are active for the public;
  • Test calls do not count as InteractionZ since they are for internal use.
To monitor the consumption of InteractionZ in your organization, go to Analytics > Usage.

InteractionZ in practice

You conducted a mass shooting for 1000 contacts and did not configure the transfer to human service:

  • 50 responded; therefore, there was no consumption of InteractionZ.

Now, you conducted a mass shooting for 1000 contacts and configured the transfer to humanized service:

  • 50 responded; therefore, there is consumption of 50 InteractionZ;
  • The agent provides service within 24 hours, resulting in 50 InteractionZ, regardless of the number of messages exchanged with the contact;
  • If 20 contacts continue the conversation after 24 hours of opening, an additional 20 InteractionZ are consumed.
  • Therefore, the total consumed InteractionZ is 70 (50 from the first 24 hours + 20 from the exceeding period).

See other examples:

  • In Chatbot: Regardless of whether the chatbot is active (initiated by the company) or receptive (initiated by the customer), in both cases, each interaction consumes an InteractionZ per contact. This includes message exchanges and interactions performed in the chatbot.
  • Marketing Automation: When you use marketing automation, each contact that interacts with these messages consumes an InteractionZ. This includes responses to campaigns, notifications, or any type of automatically sent message.
  • Service without broadcast messages: If you provide service directly to a contact without using mass shooting, each interaction during the service consumes an InteractionZ per contact. This occurs regardless of who initiates the conversation, whether it is the company or the customer.