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01. Creating an automated communication flow in Zenvia Customer Cloud
5 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/15/2024 3:55 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 3:46 PM

The purpose of the communication flow is to establish triggering rules through a customizable flow, allowing you to reach your target audience autonomously. With it, you can schedule an automatic action that will be executed when a specific event or actions occur.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator or Admin profiles.

Next, let's learn how to create an automation flow.

Create a flow

To create a flow:

  1. In the side menu, go to Message broadcast > Broadcast and automation;
  2. Choose a rule template or click on Create automation to build a flow from scratch. You will be directed to the builder.

Rule templates

Zenvia Customer Cloud provides automation templates to facilitate the construction of communication flows. There are five ready-made templates available for SMS and email in Portuguese, English and Spanish: Welcome, Promotions, Celebratory Dates, Abandoned Cart, and Order Status.

To use a template:

  1. Select the desired template based on your flow's objective;
  2. Choose the channel for the rule;
  3. Select the language;
  4. Click on Create Rule.

Initial flow settings

The initial process to create a flow involves defining the name of the communication rule and specifying the trigger activation.

Naming the rule

Start by clicking on the icon icone.png located in the top-left corner of the screen, define the automation name, and finish by clicking on Rename rule.

Define the trigger activation of the flow

Choose a trigger to start the communication flow. Click on the icon icone.png within the Select trigger box and define the activation rule, which can be:

  • On a specific date: Registration of a custom field in the Contact Base is mandatory. The date can be recurring or unique.

💡 Tip: For a birthday or similar date, use DD/MM. For a unique date, use DD/MM/YYYY.

After registering, select the custom field and choose when the flow should start. You can set the flow to start before or after the registered field's date. For example, if a customer's birthday is on 23/02, the flow can start sending communications two days before.

  • When the contact is added to a list/removed from a list: Define the list monitored by the automation. You can select one or more lists.

💡 Tip: In the Select one or more lists dropdown, you can create a list to be monitored without leaving this panel. Click on the Create new list button at the end of the dropdown.

⚠️ Attention: Whenever you add a new contact to the selected list, they will receive the campaigns created in this flow.

  • When the contact meets a segmentation rule: Choose the already created rule you want to use.
  • Through an API call: Allows you to initiate automation through an API call on a third-party server or system.

Once the above settings are completed, the flow is automatically updated, including trigger rules. Now, you can proceed with the flow actions using the builder's features.

Access and edit an existing flow

You can access a created flow at any time for adjustments, additions, or revisions:

  1. Go to Analytics > Automations and look for the specific automation name;
  2. Click on the menu associated with the desired rule;
  3. Select the Edit option;
  4. The builder screen is displayed, allowing you to edit your flow.

Done! Now you know how to create an automation in Zenvia Customer Cloud.