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01. Exporting a custom message broadcast report
7 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/15/2024 4:26 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 1/8/2025 1:22 PM

Create and export a customized report with the most important data for you to understand how your contacts interact with your mass mailings. Reports help you better understand the performance of your communications and identify opportunities for your campaigns.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator or Admin profiles.

Learn in this article:

Create a report

To create a custom report, it is necessary to select a period to identify the mailings. The interval between the start date and end date should be up to 30 days.

Set a Period

To set the period for exporting mailings:

  1. In the side menu, go to Analytics > Message broadcast > Report export;

  2. Enter the start date and end date in the designated fields to define the time interval for the mailings. You can enter them by typing or using the calendar component;

  3. Click Select to retrieve the campaigns for the selected period.

Filter broadcasts

You can select one or more filters to segment the mailings for the chosen period. To do this:

  1. Click Filters;

  2. Check the desired options;

  3. Apply the filters to view the corresponding mailings.

Broadcasts can be filtered by:

  • Channels: It is possible to choose more than one channel.

  • Created by: To filter by the email of the person who created the dispatch.

  • Tags: You can select the tag(s) or enter the desired name in the search field.

To make the analysis of dispatches more specific, use advanced settings.

Advanced Settings

Your report can be customized for specific groups of contacts by selecting message statuses. To do this:

  1. Click Advanced settings;

  2. Check the checkbox(es) for the contact statuses you want to view in the report;

  3. Apply the filters to view the corresponding mailings.

The statuses vary depending on the channel used for dispatch (Email, RCS, SMS, or WhatsApp), as detailed below:

  • In Analysis: The dispatch is being analyzed by Zenvia's rule filter. The message has not been sent yet.

  • Sending: The message is in the process of being sent.

  • Sent: Zenvia has sent your message to the provider responsible for delivering the message.

  • Sending Error: Message not sent to the cell phone. The number may be incorrect or written incorrectly (e.g., outside the DDI + DDD + Number standard). To find out the reasons for sending errors, download the file in Export List. In it, you will find the column representing the reasons for possible errors.

  • Received: Message sent to the cell phone and received by the recipient.

  • Not Received: Message sent to the cell phone but not received by the recipient. Reasons for the problem may include: the phone is off, inactive, unavailable, or outside the operator's coverage area, the account is blocked or canceled, problems with the operator during delivery, unavailability or problem with the operator's network, etc.

  • Opened: Message received and opened by the recipient (for email).

  • Read: The message was received and read by the recipient. For WhatsApp, it is only available if the user has not disabled read receipts (two blue checkmarks).

  • Unsubscribed: The recipient has opted not to receive your email or WhatsApp campaigns, i.e., unsubscribed from the emails sent or deactivated the receipt of messages (opt-out) sent via WhatsApp.

  • Clicked: The file sent in the message received at least one click from the recipient.

  • Verified: Messages approved by Zenvia's security check.

By selecting the desired filters, the listing is automatically updated with the corresponding results.

Select broadcasts for export

The broadcasts found in the specified period and according to the settings and filters applied are presented with the following information:

  • Name, creation date, and email of the person who created the dispatch.

  • Dispatch channel.

  • The quantity of impacted contacts.

  • Tags assigned to that dispatch.

💡 Tip: By default, 10 dispatches are listed. To see more, click on the Display field and choose between 20, 30, or 50 dispatches for display.

To select the dispatches to be exported to the report:

  1. Check the checkbox(es) of the dispatches that will be part of the report;

  2. Click Request report;

  3. Review the information that will be in the report;

  4. Confirm the request and wait for the report processing in the Report history.

Report history and export

The report history shows the name, date and time of creation, creator, and processing status of the report. Reports with Available status can be exported and viewed. After 30 days, the reports become unavailable but can be requested again.

To export the custom report, simply click Download in the respective line of the report you want to work with to download a CSV file.

💡 Tip: The report name follows the format DD/MM/YYYY + exported reports.

By default, all files contain the following columns:

  • dispatch_created: DD/MM/YYYY and GMT creation time of the dispatch;

  • dispatch_scheduled, if applicable: DD/MM/YYYY and GMT scheduling time of the dispatch;

  • dispatch_started: DD/MM/YYYY and GMT start time of the dispatch;

  • dispatch name: name assigned to the dispatch;

  • channel: dispatch channel;

  • recipient: recipient's phone number (if the dispatch is via SMS, WhatsApp) or email address (if it is an email dispatch);

  • status: dispatch status;

  • last_updated: DD/MM/YYYY and GMT time of the last update to the dispatch.

  • reason_description: description of the sending status;

  • recipient_answer: recipient's response (if any);

  • tag: dispatch tag.

Done! You have completed the setup of custom report export settings and can now use them in your data analyses.