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07. Automation performance report in Zenvia Customer Cloud
5 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/15/2024 4:39 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 1/8/2025 1:32 PM

Zenvia Customer Cloud automation performance report provides information about a specific automation, including the total number of triggers, messages sent, impacted contacts, and performance rate.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Viewer, Operator or Admin profiles.

This report allows you to assess the success of the automation, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize your communication strategies.

How to access the automation report

In the side menu, go to Analytics > Message broadcast > Automations performance and click on the desired automation's name.

This functionality is available for SMS, Email, WhatsApp, and RCS (Rich) channels.

Information included in the report

The presented data is from the day the automation was created until the date of viewing. The report includes the following results:

Basic flow information

Basic flow information includes the automation's name and its status, with the option to enable or disable the automation.

In the summary of flow settings, you'll find:

  • Creation date, last update, and the user responsible for the last change;

  • Selected model and rule: Indicates whether it's a custom rule or created from a template;

  • Activation trigger: Determines how the flow is activated, such as the anniversary of a date, when a contact subscribes or unsubscribes from a list, when it meets a segmentation rule, or via API;

  • Lists of contacts monitored by the automation, if any.


A trigger is the sum of all the executions made with that rule, considering the quantity of messages sent, impacted contacts, and errors in sending at all stages.

In marketing automation, triggering is the initiation of an automated process in response to a specific event or action. This enables the execution of a series of pre-programmed actions to interact with customers.

Performance rate

The performance rate is the average percentage of contacts that completed the last stage of the automation compared to the initial number of contacts that started this process. In summary:

Performance Rate = (Number of people who completed / Initial number of people who started) × 100

For example, in an email automation process, 100 people started receiving emails in the first stage (start). Of those 100 people, at the end of the automation, only 20 of them performed the desired action, such as clicking on a specific link in the email. Therefore:

Performance Rate = (20 / 100) × 100=20%

Contacts that completed the flow

Completing an automation means that a contact has gone through all the stages planned in the automation flow, executing the actions or conditions programmed in each of them.

You can view the total number of contacts in all or each stage of the automation. Just select the option in the dropdown menu.

Performance by contact

The performance by contact list provides individual details of the contacts involved in the automation, including:

  • Initialization Date: Indicates when the trigger was activated;

  • Recipient Number: The number to which the trigger was sent;

  • Email: Email address used for trigger delivery;

  • Full Name: Identification of the person who initiated the trigger;

  • Status: Defines whether the trigger was successfully initiated or if there was a failure.

You can organize the list by initialization date and status by clicking on each of these categories.

💡 Tip: Monitoring the start date allows you to track the time between activation and recipient response. Additionally, monitoring the trigger status helps identify issues to improve the process and ensure the proper delivery of messages.

Done! Now you know how to monitor the performance of your automations.